Thursday, November 11, 2010

Saya dah tua..eyh tak tak..hehe

I went to find wedding presents for my friends and I asked one of the closest friends of mine, Niza to accompany me. Ok, we haven’t met each other since I get married. We talked with each other like we haven’t met like a year.

Turn out that we sent our parents (in her case, her mother) to perform their haj at the same time but we didn’t bump into each other since I went home earlier. We share experience of not having parents around. About how we have to take the responsibilities that our parents usually do.

And the only different between us is that she has to go to her mother office to cover her mother’s job and went she went home she has to cook. Listen to her makes me realize that we certainly have grew up as we take responsibilities that we have encounter with.

Okay, mesti ada yang rasa, ‘helo, dah 25 baru nak belajar semua2 ni ke?’. Saya tak kisah pon sebab memang betul. Saya yang malas nak belajar. Mak bebel2 banyak kali pon saya malas jugak. So it was my fault. But seriously rasa macam diri ni maju sikit walaupon sebenarnya dah ketinggalan jauh dari rakan-rakan seumur saya yang pandai masak, uruskan rumah dah lama dah, dari sekolah lagi.

Takpelah, orang cakap biar lambat asal selamat. Atau biar jadi macam sang kura-kura yang lambat jauh ke belakang masa berlumba lari dengan sang arnab tapi sampai dulu dan menang perlumbaan tu. Haa..kan saya da berperibahasa..Haha.. By the way, her mother will be back as the same date with my parents.

The issue here? Hehe nothing special but I realize one thing. I’m getting older. We are getting older. We started to find gifts for our friends, not birthday present as always but WEDDING gifts. Most of friends at my age are getting engaged or married or even having a baby. Oh my god,oh my god, ok salah, suami saya marah saya cakap macam ni. So tukar Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah..gile da tua ke aku ni?

After found the gifts, we don’t know where to go so as usual we went to a place where we love and sooth us, MPH. hehe.. Okay we usually will go thru the rack and find interesting books. But this time, we walked slowly and stop and one corner where they sells old cds and books at the best price. Our hand were touching the books but we were talking with each other about recipes. She said that we were like surirumah pulak sebab cakap pasal recipe. She told me she cooked this and that and I asked for recipes. Likewise, I told her I’ve cooked this and that and give her the recipe that I got from the internet. The power of the world. Haha gila poyo ok.

Then we decided to go to lepak minum-minum instead of wandering around. We were babbling around while in the line to place an order and I told her that my attitude doesn’t reflect that I’m married. I’m still childish like I used to be. And she agreed. Haha..

She said that she looks at me like I’m still single because of the way I talked, and the clumsiness is still with me. So I don’t look like a man’s wife. Orang dah kahwin ni kan perwatakan dia macam matang-matang sikit. But I’m still the old me. While chatting around I drop the straw and it shows that I’m clumsy. Haha..

Niza told me that she cant believed that I’m married and she said that people might have the same thought. She also said that when I walked with my husband and we were holding hands , people might look strangely at us and in their mind, they said,’ apalah couple ni, jalan pegang-pegang, peluk-peluk..’. haha..

Sebab kami nampak macam pasangan bercinta bukan suami isteri sebab gaya kami tak macam matang. Ok saya terima.. Kena garangkan muka and, jangan asyik gelak-gelak je and tak buat aksi-aksi macam budak-budak and tak boleh jadi clumsy lagi.. Ok sekarang, garangkan diri baru nampak macam isteri orang.. Grrrrr… garang tak? Hahaha.. Ops tergelak pulak..Erm takpelah gelak tu kan bagus untuk kesihatan ;p

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