Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fulltime housewife? hehehe

Betul lah orang cakap, bila orang yang kita sayang dekat dengan kita, kadang-kadang kita less appreciate mereka. Bila mereka jauh barulah rindu-rinduan, ingat-ingatan (ok, saya tau bm saya tak betul, sila abaikan.hehe).

Bila mak and ayah pergi haji, the moment i send them at kelana jaya, i felt some kind of emptiness in my heart just like what i felt when i send my husband off to work. They are a big part of me that will makes me feel empty when they're not around me. In other words, they complete me.

I hug my mother first and i left my 'machoness' at home as i cry when saying goodbye to her. I always known as the most 'macho' person in the house since it is hard for me to cry. I guess being a wife does give me an impact to forgo my machoness.

Usually I didnt hug my dad.. But that day, on that night, i hug him tightly asked for his forgiveness and blessing. I hug him for quite a while until i cried. He cried a little too. I never had that moment not that i remember about( yelah kalau masa kecik2 tak ingatlah kn) with my father until that particular day. My father asked me to help my sister and i took it seriously since i have a big 'M' in myself. hehehe

Being away from them, tought my sister and i a very good lesson. We suddenly realised how hard they have worked for us. Every sleepless night, every day is a hectic day when it comes to manage a family. My sister took my father role as she manage my father's business. And i saw it myself how hard she worked to do what my father usually do. That is, find money for our family. She didnt has a chance to leisure around since my parents went away.

And i took unpaid leave for a month and half to help my sister and managing the business account but i didnt have the chance to do account at all since i took my mother role in house. Ok, now i knew how tired my mother everyday. I appreciate what she has done to us but now, knewing what she had to deal with evryday, i am more appreciate of what she has done. And i am very proud to have her as my mother. Not only she has to cook, sweep, wash dirty clothes, iron them, she also has to manage account for the business. Tabik spring toink toink for her.

I am not complaining for what i've done for several days. But seriously, i give a full respect to fulltime and also for a working wife. Gila hebat korang semua. No wonder my officemates a.k.a working wives with two children are so thin. They have their own exercise. hehehe.. If only someone invented machine for ironing and lipat'ing kain-kain baju. I will be the first person to buy. hehehe

This situation is a very good lesson for me since i already married. Luckily for me that i have time to learn how to be a good housewife since my husband went away from me to work. So i have quite an ample time to learn. hehe..

I am quite a spoilt brat before. Being a second female child i always took advantage to be lazy since i have sister to help my mother. Usually when i learn how to cook from my mother, she is always there to tell me, 'ok lps bawang tu dah garing sikit masuk cili boh then letak air sikit...and so on..'

But now, i have to do it by myself without any help. My sister knew how to cook but since she has other responsibilities, i have to cook. I am thankful we have technologies because everyday i will google a recipe. hehehehe..

Ok, jangan gelakkan saya.. Nak masak tomyam harini pon saya google since saya memang zero knowledge masak-masak ni. Goreng nasik ke or western ke, buat kek ke, saya expert, masakan melayu, ok saya surrender. Tapi seriously, sangat best masak-masak ni. Especially bila lepas masak, orang makan masakan kita sampai habis..hehe.

Saya suka aktiviti ketika masak sebab campak2 bahan, dah jadi..hehe.. but aktiviti sebelum and selepas memasak tu yang quite tiring. Kena siapkan bahan sebelum masak ok lagi, lepas masak tu. Cuci pinggan, lap lantai..ok takpe, seronok sebenarnya kerja ni. Jadi fulltime housewife. Owh no, terus rasa nak berhenti kerja, jadi fulltime housewife. Huahuahuahua

Btw, am praying for my parents to have a safe journey back home in the middle of december..Insyaallah.. Amin...

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