Friday, September 6, 2013

My post pregnancy story

My little bam bam is going to turn 1 this month. Is it too late to write about my pregnancy stage and labour story? haha..sukahatikula labu nak cerita ke tak.. sapa nak baca, bacalah..hehe

I found out that i was pregnant with my child on december 2011.. I was pretty scared rather than excited at that time. It was unpleasant feelings because i wanted to feel more excited but deep inside me was so scared if i misscarried again just like before. I might even be overprotective mother for unborn child at that time.. Makan jaga..teringin minum coffee pon tahan bagai nak gila..Doa elak gugur pon hari2 and every single time baca..When my husband wanted to go back to his hometown, i asked him to go back by himself at my first trimester. Takut apa2.. U know, i am overprotective like that..hehe

Orang kata first pregnancy kalau susah, 2nd pregnancy should be ok..Kalo 1st muntah2, 2nd maybe letih2 je..Tak muntah2 dah.. U know what, it doesnt happen to me. On the 1st 4 weeks ok lagi. Just loya2..But on the 6th weeks, hanya org yg mengalami je tahu..On my 1st pregnancy, paling banyak muntah dalam sehari in 20times but this one kurang sikit.. Dalam 1 hari tu muntah paling banyak 12kali.. imagine i have to go through that everyday. Makan apa muntah..minum air kosong pon muntah. Makan ubat kuatkan rahim pon muntah..Bau orang masak tumis2, muntah..Bau mak panaskan makanan kat dapur pon muntah. I am so weak at that time and i have to go through it alone since my husband was at pasir gudang at that time. On the 5th day of muntah2 stage i went to the clinic and asked for some medicine.. Ubat tahan muntah katanya.. 

And guess what? makan ubat tu pon tak jadi apa.. so after 2 weeks of vomitting non-stop, i went for a normal check-up (my gynea wanted to see me every 2weeks in the first trimester because of my history), and i lost 2-3kg in 2weeks which is not good as said by my gynea. So i have to be admitted..kena masuk air.. Orang lain masuk air 1 botol and me? Total of 7 botol..haha..5 botol air and 2 botol lagi vitamin ke potassium..not sure..and at that time my husband wasnt here and my brother going back to australia. So i was alone in the hospital.. Boleh tahan sedihla but i know it was nothing..i will do anything for my unborn child..

Bila nak masuk 5 bulan, muntah2 da kurang and selera makan jadilah mak buyung yang super gemuk..hehe.. Suka sangat makan benda manis2..tapi control takut kena diabetic masa preggy.. Mengidam makan laksam hari2..lepas tu makan jeli..bila balik kampung mengidam nak makan nasi ambeng yang jual masa bulan puasa je and encik suami tak belikan..this year baru dapat makan nasi ambeng tu..anak da 10bln baru dapat..haha. and another craving yang tak dapat2 sampai sekarang is coconut shake klebang..hehe

Bila da hujung2 tu, perut dah senak and selera makan pon kurang.. tapi prasaan nak makan manis2 tu still ada so bantai secukupnya since da hujung2 and possibility nak kena diabetic da tak berapa ada. And kopi pon minum masa dah hujung2 ni..hehe

Masa raya da 36weeks and my gynea advised not to travel since macam ada tanda2 nak bersalin. She even gave her personal hp number if i really wanted to go back to hubby's hometown since g die pon kat muar..but i'm worried if anything happen sebab my gynea asked me to be back on malam raya and jangan duduk lama2..2 hari trus balik takut anything happen. So terpaksa lupakan hasrat nak balik raya kat kg..

Bila da 38weeks still takde tanda2 lagi..sakit perut macam biasa masa hujung2 tu selalulah..My due date was 15th September and on my last appointment, 12th september, the gynea asked me if i wanted to be induced and i was hesitated at that moment. My sister, who were also pregnant at that time was supposed to undergo surgery on 14th september. But to our surprise, dia rasa sakit contraction on the my nephew yang sepatutnya due on 23rd keluar on 13th.. Eh dah masuk labour story..

I think i should stop here.. So this is my pregnancy story..Will continue about my labour story on other entry..

Monday, September 2, 2013


it has been a as a mother is quite hectic..dah bersawang blog ni..nevermind, will update soon when i have time.. will talk about my baby and life as a mother..nak setahun da my little ones..hehe.. ok bye :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

new things that ive learned

I learned certain new thing about babies that i never knew until i have one.

1. They farted. Big one. In front of the crowd yang taktau yang might mistaken you, the person near the baby as the guilty one yang 'ter' kentut besar and salahkan baby. haha

2. They can detect their mother by her smell as their vision is quite blurry for 2-3months of their existence. So when they started to see, be orepared when they only want to be hold by certain people only ( mother, father, grandmother, grandfather etc2).  It seems that my daughter cries when stranger hold her for a long time. Dah kenal bau, maybe..

3. They cries when they're
     a.  hungry
     b.  sleepy
     c.  having colic
     d.  wanted their diaper to be changed.
     e.  wanted to be hugged (this may apply to certain babies; mine)

4. They make faces when they wanted to sleep. Be prepared with you cameras. Haha. Why? because they will smile, pouting etc2)

5. They could make your heart melt by just seeing they smile or sleeping peacefully

Monday, October 22, 2012

the greatest gift from Allah S.W.T

Alhamdullillah syukur ke hadrat ilahi, i'm officially a mother of a beautiful baby girl i*ve ever seen (eceh anak sendiri kan. tanya mana2 mak pon, their child will be the cutest child compare to others. *bias mode on**) on 17 September 2012,

After all the pain, dissapointment , Allah S.W.T granted us, my husband and i this child. I find out i was pregnant early this year and to be frankly, i didnt tell that i'm pregnant to everyone. Even my bestfriend knows when i was almost 3 months of pregnancy.

If i were asked why didnt i announce that i was pregnant, my answer is that i'm still scared ifwhat had happen on previous pregnancy and i'm tired of answering and listening of what people had to say when i miscarried last year. Frankly, i can bear all the pain being poke and so on but i refuse to hear others opinion ot so called condolences

Eh apa ni, buat apa cerita kisah lalu. Let bygones be bygones, isnt it. Allah has granted me a beautiful child. Betullah, setiap perkara yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Alhamdullillah.. Eill tell more on the journey of motherhood. Barulah sekarang betul2 tau kenapa kita kena hormat mak 3 kali sebelum ayah..hehe

Thursday, July 5, 2012


what i did when my husband is coming lepas wat melepek habis..macamane org yang meniaga tu ye..

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Musim buah

 Sekarang musim buah durian n rambutan kan.. Terasa air liur meleleh craving for all this fruits..




Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tips untuk bapa menyusukan anak ketika ibu tiada di rumah

Untuk bapa-bapa di luar sana yang mengalami masalah untuk menyusukan anak ketika si isteri keluar, boleh cuba cara di bawah..hahaha