Friday, September 25, 2009

near death experience

what your first expression on the driver of the car above when u see the condition of the car?
erm..actually i dont really need the answer..hehe
my brother met an accident last wednesday around 1 a.m..he went out using my dad's car to lepak2 with his friends..
for those who knows ss15 areas, he met an accident near ss15, dekat traffic light banyak2 tu..
proton saga hit him from accross the street..kire my brother almost lepas, the proton saga hit the back of the car and makes the car spinning like gasing and taktau macamana boleh melayang2 pegi another cross of the street..
and kawan kepada kawan my adik kebetulan belakang my adik..he saw everthing..the proton saga langgar lampu merah and he said, when he saw the whole thing, he expect my brother in several pieces (innallillah)..he opened the door for my brother as my brother couldnt move..
during the impact, seat belt tercabut and he was holding the seat belt, and he fell down the driver seat..nasib baik bawah seat tu quite spacious..and bile airbag terbukak, cover my he quite safe behind the seat..
my adik said when he fell down, he feel the car was spinning but he cant do anything..
seriously, if i'm in that situation, i will cry first..hehe..
the other driver was safe too but he cant say a word after the accident due shock..he was calming himself..
my adik too was quite shocked..luckily for him, he doesnt have any injury except the bruises..
this is the second time he had accident but this is the major one..the accident memang sangat mengejutkan semua orang and semua orang bersyukur yang die drive my dad's car not his..
nasib baik kereta die takde minyak that time..
and alhamdullillah he's fine..sangat2 bersyukur...
when this kind of event occur in your life, it makes you think..
are you ready to die..
eventhough i never experience a near death experience.. makes me think...have i prepared to die?


hadi said...

uish...seram siot... adik ko x ape2 ke Az?

azliza said...

alhamdullillah adik aku ok..
bdn die lebam2, merah2 je..
=)..weh, nk final kau xstudy ke, sik bc blog aku je..hahaha

hadi said...

aku tgh study ar ni...hahaha

azliza said...

study blog aku? hahaha

Amy Bacen said...

gile scary the movie
mak kau mesti mengucap panjangkn?
(bole bayangkn muka mak kau)
n akak kau mesti pucat abis
(bole bayangkan gak muka akak kau)
serious..aku dah penah rasa..hahaha

azliza said...

haah weh..
mak n akak aku pucat hbs..
aku plak muka tak bsalah turun bwh taktau pape blaku..
diorg sibuk2 kat bwh, aku yg sengal ni dgr akak aku bising2 tp abaikan sbb ngantuk..
haha sengal kn aku..
tp mmg scary muviela..
kau pnah rs? nape aku xtau..hehe