Saturday, September 12, 2009

lain dari biasa

since next week dah raya, i've decided to bake some family tradition cookies today..yelah, my akak pon takde klas, my mom pon dah kata ok, so kami pon bertungkus lumus buat tradition cookies, biskut kerutu..

mesti orang pelik kan, tak pernah dengar biskut ni..hehe..nama die kerutu sebab bentuk die macam alien kerutu2..hehehe

see, macam alien kan, ada mata, ada idung merah lagi..cuma takde mulut..hahaha

we start around 11am and finish around 3pm..i slept after that until almost 5pm..

then, ntah kenapa arini mood rajin sangat, i bake cornflakes again..sebab pikir nak bagi my adik since he has to go back to melaka today and havent taste the cookies..(eceh2, konon2 akak mithali..haha)

after that, baju2 untuk pegi keje di iron..

my mom said she felt asleep after praying since she exhausted from baking biskut sister pon dah collapse depan hall rumah and said,"ni semua adik punya pasal ni..(penat buat biskut..hehe)"

then my mom said,"eh, die kat belakang iron baju pulak..ok je..tak penat pulak..lepas buat biskut kerutu buat cornflakes dah iron baju..(tak ingat exact word..)"

and my sister,"adik lainlah arini, tak macam biasa..(something like that..tak ingat the exact word..hehe)"

ces...what she meant is that, i usually felt exhausted easily and quite lazy..tapi tengok harini, sapa malas sekarang? hehehehe


mohad said...

boleh buat kilang kuih kerutu tu...

azliza said...

boleh2..nak jv tak? hehe