Friday, September 11, 2009

usual day at office..

on wednesday, i have some urgent job that makes me feel miserable and quite 'kabut'..

kalau orang tengok mesti akan rasa macam budak ni ada masalah ni, muka ketat je..hehe

but i feel like i have no time to do two job at the same time, bungkus kerepek to give to the client and at the same time i have to finish up audit report for 2 company since it's final date to submit to ccm is today..

while i run to ensure that i do 2 job at the same time, i almost trip down when i wanted to print my report, so as usual, mestila melatah,"oh mak kau.."

and staff who sat besides me, edy or pak lawak di ofis suddenly said," ha? mana-mana? rasanya kat rumah..."

i am totally blur and suddenly realize, he was answering me, 'oh mak kau..'..u know, like i'm saying, oh, mak edy..

i laughed and forget about my stress on work..

a small laughed like this could brighten my stressful life at office..

so a piece of advice, marilah gelak2 bile woo~~~~ hehehe

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