Friday, October 2, 2009


procrastination has been my problem since i'm still a student..

and i cant really stop procrastinate things..

because it's makes me stop thinking about the problem, homework or anything that i have to do..

but i cant sleep well when i procrastinate things since i keep thinking about it because my head still being active even when i fall asleep..

but... procrastinate things stop me from facing the reality for a while.. from facing the pain of the truth..

i want to learn to stop procrastinate things..

how to stop?


hadi said...

ape bende maksud procrastinate ni Az? cube explain ckit...simple BM pleaz...hehehe

azliza said...

cube kau bkk kamus..haha
prostinate ni mcm bertangguh2 kejela..mcm kau suke wat assgnment las minit..esk nk anta, arini br wat pdhal dpt assgnment before cuti sem n ada seminggu nk siapkn..
ops, aku terperli kau ke weh? hahaha..lebih krg cmtula maksud procrastinate..kalo slh wat2 cam btul la..hahaha

Anonymous said...

cam ne nak cakap eyh.. nak ilang mende tuh senang jee..just face the truth...

azliza said...

aah tp nk face the truth tu yg quite painful kn..btw, sapa ni?

hadi said...

btol tu... the truth kills me...hahaha

azliza said...

haha poyola hadi..the truth kills me konon..haha

hadi said...

btol la Az... aku hampir2 nk mati dah ni...huhuhu

azliza said...

eyh jgn2..nnt aku hilang kwn..hehe..