Sunday, September 6, 2009

kisah sengal

yesterday, i went to buy some stuff to bake cakes and cookies for raya (eceh-eceh, perlu ke cakap..haha..) which like my mother said, "ntah2, beli je bahan tapi simpan sampai raya tahun depan"..hehe

so this conversation occur in the car while we (my mom, my sis and i) were listening to a raya song,

Situation 1

'....menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf~~~~' cant remember who's the singer but that was part of the lyrics..

suddenly, i blurt out things that was wondering in my mind,

"kalau ada budak tu main mercun hilang jari, macamana nak susun sepuluh jari mintak maaf?"

hehehe...all of us were laughing and my sister said,

"adik dah terpikir benda2 yang orang lain tak pernah terpikir..macam mak. gene mak dah mula berkembang sikit demi sikit..haha"

my mom,"die dah mula adapt lesson sikit demi sikit tu.."


Situation 2

tau tak accesories yang letak kat kereta yang akan goyang2 sendiri bile kena cahaya matahari tu? ala, yg macam pasu bunga then ada daun2 or butterfly tu.. my sis punya bentuk butterfly..

my sis," eyh, nape keta sebelah punye goyang2, azuranye tak goyang?"

i think everyone can predict what happen next, mestila my mom pegi sentuh and goyangkan die guna tangan,"ha, ni dah goyang.."


Situation 3

on the way back home, the butterfly goyang2 sendiri, and my mom,"ha, mak tak pegang pon die dah pandai goyang kepak die sendiri.."

me,"aahla..kepak die asyik goyang je..tapi tak terbang2..."


i love spent days with my family..ada je bahan nak menyengal..hahaha

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