Friday, May 11, 2012

Mood: cant hardly wait

When I was still a child or maybe a teenagers, everytime when us, one family went out, and my mother wanted to go to kitchen section to look around new plates or simply to buy a new knife, i put my boring face.

Or i went to other section such as stationary or anywhere they sell cds or anything. I feel so bored that sometimes i blurt out," ala, mak ni asyik nak tengok pinggan je.."

And guess what....

Now, getting older and married, and going to move in into a new house with husband, (ya, i still live with my family since my husband wasnt always around), I became my mother. And now, i understand what she feels everytime she saw a new plate with beautiful design.

Everytime we went to shopping complex, I tend to go to the kitchen section. Eventhough I havent buy any new plates for my new house, it just make me happen to have the feelings that one day i am going to have all kinds of plates, pan or any kitchen related on my own. I bought my new blender last year and I cant wait to finally use it in my new home. Oh ya btw, i'm moving to johor latest end of this year or next year..InsyaAllah..

It is nice to have the feelings that finally i am going to live with my husband and future kids in our own home without anyone else. Seriously, I cant hardly wait because i have been married for a year and half and we havent really be in our own house where no parents or in law. I mean living in a house where only both of us and our future kids live. It scary but exciting at the same time. Finally, nak pakai seluar pendek dalam rumah pon tak kisah malu kat parents/in law.hehe

Now, i'm anxiously waiting for my husband to come home so that we could start renovation. Cepatlah balik en suami..

                parking dalam rumah nak dapat feel wpon blum pindah lagi..hehe


Hana Jaffar said...

rumah kat johor kat mana

azliza said...

kat pasir gudang :..jemput dtg bila i da pindah..hehe