Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bismillah 5

I copied this from one blog but i can't remember where. I wanted to share this with others,
Antara KHASIAT Bismillah 5 :

  • penawar bisa diri
  • penawar kepada penyakit bisa-bisa tulang
  • penawar bisa-bisa badan
  • penawar bisa batu merian
  • boleh digunakan untuk mengubati sakit yang tidak diketahui puncanya

Cara MENGAMALKAN Bismillah 5 :

  1. letakkan tangan di tempat yang sakit, tarik nafas, baca Bismillah 5 tujuh kali kemudian tiup tempt tadi, kemudian baru tiup di air; atau
  2. kalau tempat sakit tu tak boleh diletakkan tangan krn sakit atau sukar utk meletakkannya, letakkan tangan di anggota lain dengan penumpuan hati dan perasaan bahwa tempat tersebut adalah anggota yang sakit.

Dengan mengamalkan Bismillah Enam dan Bismillah Lima akan menyebabkan segala jenis racun menjadi tawar serta tidak mendatangkan mudharat jika terminum. Gelas yang dipegang oleh pengamal Bismillah Enam dan Bismillah Lima akan pecah dengan sendirinya jika kandungannya mengandungi racun dengan izin ALLAH..

And from what i heard from others, bismillah 5 ni jugak boleh dijadikan ayat pendinding diri dari anasir2 yang tidak baik. Amalkan setiap kali selepas solat ataupun sekurang-kurangnya selepas sembahyang subuh & maghrib. Wallahualam

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Selamat Hari Guru

Harini 16 Mei, maknanya hari guru. Teringat dulu zaman sekolah rendah. Saya selalu mintak mak or ayah belikan bunga or coklat nak bagi kat cikgu sebagai tanda perhargaan.

Bila masuk sekolah menengah, hanya awal-awal beli hadiah untuk bagi cikgu masa hari guru. Selepas tu harga ucapan 'selamat hari guru' diberi pada guru. Bila masuk universiti, ucapan tu hanya kadang-kadang diucap.

Saya sangat appreciate jasa guru-guru yang pernah mengajar saya. Saya takkan dapat sijil-sijil kalau bukan sebab mereka. Terima kasih cikgu.

Cakap pasal cikgu, cikgu yang paling saya ingat dan terkesan kat hati saya, Cikgu Azni, cikgu matematik masa saya tingkatan 1 or 2..Tak ingat tingkatan berapa, tapi masa tu dia masih muda dan ajar tuisyen kat saya dan rakan-rakan. And cara dia treat anak murid dia pon macam kawan-kawan.

Satu benda yang saya ingat pasal cikgu ni, kadang-kadang ada soalan yang kiteorang tak reti jawab, and dia pon kadang terconfuse. So solution, kami sama-sama buat soalan tu sampai dapat jawapan. Kalau tak dapat jugak, kadang-kadang dia tanya isteri dia yang masa tu still belajar kat UKM.

Kenapa saya masih ingat nama dia? Entah, mungkin sebab cara dia yang sempoi dan macam kawan-kawan. Terpikir, mana ye dia sekarang.. Masih mengajarkah. Terasa teringin nak jumpa balik cikgu ni.

Apa-apa pon, Selamat Hari Guru kepada guru-guru.. Jasamu dikenang dan pergorbananmu tak ternilai dengan wang ringgit. Each of your student who successful and become who they become is all because of you. Thank you.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kain putih dah jadi kain bercorak

Dulu masa masih kecil, masih belajar di tadika dan tidak reti membezakan yang mana bagus, yang mana tak bagus, orang tanya,

"Adik nanti besar nak jadi apa?"

"Tak tau..Nak jadi pramugari kot. Dapat naik kapal terbang hari-hari.."

Realitinya, masih kecil dan  taktau pekerjaan lain yang best selain pramugari.

Bila darjah satu, bila sesi suai kenal, orang selalu akan tanya,

"Best tak belajar kat sekolah?"



"Ada kawan ramai.."

"Cita-cita nak jadi apa bila besar nanti?"

still, jawapan masih sama.. "Pramugari.."


"Dapat naik kapal terbang. Dapat melancong merata tempat dengan free.."

Pasti ramai yang tertanya-tanya macam mana boleh tau pasal pramugari. Masa kecil dulu, masa ayah saya masih baru dalam business, ayah berkongsi pejabat dengan sepupu kepada sepupu emak. Dan aunty ni selalu bawa saya pergi makan-makan bila ayah dan mak sibuk. Selalunya dia bawak saya berjumpa anak-anak buahnya yang ada seorang bekerja sebagai pramugari dan not to be surprise, semua adik-adiknya jadi pramugari sekarang.

So being a naive little girl, disogokkan dengan kenyataan yang jadi pramugari boleh terbang di awan biru adalah sesuatu yang sangat mengujakan.

Naik darjah 4 atau 5, masuk persatuan dan bila mana waktu suaikenal, cikgu akan suruh perkenalkan diri dan apakah cita-cita bila dewasa nanti,

"Nama saya Azliza. Anak kedua dari 3 adik-beradik. Cita-cita saya bila besar nanti nak jadi peguam.."

Mana pulak dapat tau pasal peguam? Bila masih kecil kita kan didedahkan dengan tv. Dari situ secara tak langsung kita akan kenal pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang kita, yang waktu itu akal masih belum matang, rasa kerja itu profesional dan sangat hebat.

Jawapan kepada pertanyaan nak jadi apa bila dewasa masih sama sampailah tingkatan 1. Bila masuk tingkatan 2, bila dapat tahu yang nak jadi peguam kena mahir subjek sejarah, jawapan kepada pertanyaan itu bertukar.

"Nak jadi akauntan.." itu jawapan saya.

Sebabnya? Saya dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang ada latar belakang akaun dan business. Ayah dulu belajar dalam bidang business/akaun. Mak, dalam bidang akaun. And both of them are working in accounting field sebelum masing-masing berhenti untuk menjalankan perniagaan sendiri. Manakala uncle saya merupakan antara nama yang dikenali dalam bidang banking. Which is part of accounting field. Dan masa saya di sekolah menengah, cousin saya meneruskan dalam bidang akaun. Diri yang naif yang tidak tahu nak jadi apa setelah habis belajar hanya mengikut apa yang didedahkan. Accounting seems nice. Just go with the flow, kata orang. Lagipon kakak saya pon teruskan belajar dalam accounting field.

Bila lepas PMR, orang suruh pilih aliran apa nak, cousin saya yang lain yang ceburi dalam bidang medic tanya, kenapa tak ambil aliran sains, jawapan saya, "Tak minat.."

Padahal dalam diri ni tak yakin dengan diri sendiri boleh score in bio, physics and chemistry. Jadi ambil la aliran semi sastera which basically all basic subject plus econ, add maths and accounts.

Bila orang tanya nak jadi apa, diri ini masih blur. Masih taktau nak jadi apa. Jadi jawapan selamat,

" Nak jadi orang berjaya.."

"Jadi orang berjaya macamana?"

"Berjaya in all aspectlah.."

"Oh, ada kereta, rumah sendiri ke, macam tu.."

"Ya, maybe..."

Habis SPM, diri macam terkapai-kapai so mintak advice dari uncle.. Dia bagi suggestion actuary science, accounting, interior design based on my result.

Saya, sebagai orang yang terdedah dengan bidang account dan business rasa macam nak lari dari kebiasaan. Mula nak pilih interior design since my uncle cakap, it's not about design je. Kena pandai maths jugak. Tapi diri ini percaya, rasa macam tak cukup kreatif untuk masuk bidang design-design. So pilihlah actuary science as first choice and if i'm not mistaken, accounting as 3rd choice.

Bila keluar result kemasukan ipta, agaknya sudah tertulis, macamana kita cuba lari dari kebiasaan, kalau sudah ditakdirkan, kita tetap tak boleh lari. bak kata orang, if it meant to be, it meant to be. Saya ditawarkan diploma perakaunan.

So i go with the flow walaupon hati memberontak. Dalam kelas hati hanya separuh-separuh. Tak suka belajar ni, so ambil mudah semua benda. Bilamana 1st sem diwajibkan dapat at least 3.00 cgpa since saya belajar diploma fast track, saya hanya tetapkan diri belajar ala kadar. Belajar hanya sekadar lulus dan dalam hati mintak agar pointer saya at least 3.00 sebab taknak kena buang ke branch dan terus dengan diploma biasa. Bila kita belajar setakat apa yang kita nak, memang itulah yang kita dapat.

Masuk sem 3 or 4, mula rasa sangat tak best dan nak berhenti. Tapi sebab mak mintak teruskan, jadi teruskanlah sampai habis diploma. Habis diploma, rasa nak ambil bidang lain tapi nak keluar dari uitm sebab rasa banyak subjek yang tak relevan pon terpaksa ambil, unlike private college. So, berehat dekat setahun sebagai tanda rebellious. Nak masuk private ayah macam taknak bagi. 

Bila da setahun tak buat apa mula rasa macam sampah masyarakat. So apply jela degree kat ipta. So, guess what, dapat lagi bidang account. Kali ni degree in accountancy pulak. Bila da berhenti belajar lama, otak agak beku. Kata pada diri, kalau ada 1 subjek fail, berhenti teruslah. Agaknya Allah nak tunjuk inilah bidang saya kena ceburi jugak. Saya antara less than 25 people the whole batch of 70 plus yang pass this one killer subject walaupon betul-betul atas par. So again, teruskan jelah..

Masa ni saya dah putus asa. Dalam hati rasa, takpelah, belajar jelah apa pon. Tak minat pon takpe. Asal nanti habis belajar dapat degree dan boleh dapat kerja.

Bila dapat degree, kerja dalam bidang yang dulu sangat tak disukai. Tak kisahlah, asal tiap-tiap bulan dapat gaji.

Tapi dalam hati masih terpikir, bidang apa yang saya minat sebenarnya. Dan semua yang kat luar tengah bekerja tu, diorang kerja dalam bidang yang diorang minat ke?

Sekarang, kalau orang tanya, cita-cita dah tercapai ke?

"Ntah...Sebab saya tak confirm cita-cita saya apa.."

Kalau orang tanya lagi, "Cita-cita sekarang apa?"

"Nak jadi orang biasa-biasa yang hidup dia sederhana tapi takde yang kurang, ada keluarga yang bahagia dunia dan akhirat. Ada anak, insyaAllah.. Kalau kena kerja pon takpe, sebab nak tanggung hidup kat dunia ni. Dah tak kisah minat ke tak.. Tapi saya macam minat bidang bakery sekarang ni.."

Kalau orang tanya lagi, "Macamana progress?"

"InsyaAllah, in progress jadi orang yang bahagia.."

In short, bila kita masih kecil, pengaruh orang dan keadaan sekeliling memang mempengaruhi.. Sebab tu lah orang cakap anak kecil itu ibarat kain putih. Kita yang dewasa yang mencorakkan. InsyaAllah kalau anak depan mata nanti, saya nak corakkan dengan corak-corak yang menarik. InsyaAllah..

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mood: cant hardly wait

When I was still a child or maybe a teenagers, everytime when us, one family went out, and my mother wanted to go to kitchen section to look around new plates or simply to buy a new knife, i put my boring face.

Or i went to other section such as stationary or anywhere they sell cds or anything. I feel so bored that sometimes i blurt out," ala, mak ni asyik nak tengok pinggan je.."

And guess what....

Now, getting older and married, and going to move in into a new house with husband, (ya, i still live with my family since my husband wasnt always around), I became my mother. And now, i understand what she feels everytime she saw a new plate with beautiful design.

Everytime we went to shopping complex, I tend to go to the kitchen section. Eventhough I havent buy any new plates for my new house, it just make me happen to have the feelings that one day i am going to have all kinds of plates, pan or any kitchen related on my own. I bought my new blender last year and I cant wait to finally use it in my new home. Oh ya btw, i'm moving to johor latest end of this year or next year..InsyaAllah..

It is nice to have the feelings that finally i am going to live with my husband and future kids in our own home without anyone else. Seriously, I cant hardly wait because i have been married for a year and half and we havent really be in our own house where no parents or in law. I mean living in a house where only both of us and our future kids live. It scary but exciting at the same time. Finally, nak pakai seluar pendek dalam rumah pon tak kisah malu kat parents/in law.hehe

Now, i'm anxiously waiting for my husband to come home so that we could start renovation. Cepatlah balik en suami..

                parking dalam rumah nak dapat feel wpon blum pindah lagi..hehe

Bila Waktu Berakhir

This song make me touched.. The lyric was too meaningful to be ignored..

"Bagaimana kau merasa bangga..akan dunia yang sementara...."

"Bagaimanakah bila semua..hilang dan pergi..meninggalkanmu..."

"Bagaimanakah bila saatnya..waktu terhenti tak kau sedari..."

From my perspective, this song is like a reminder to us about death or after life.. All of us going to leave this world to meet our creator..

I listened to this song over and over and it makes me cry..Frankly, I found this video while thinking some things that happen yesterday night..

Yesterday night was quite a hectic when I found out that my late grandfather's sister, whom I called 'tok mami' can't speak and my auntie and uncle thought she's having a strok..

She cant speak, Macam lidah tergulung macam tu. I cant really think straight at that time. I am afraid if something happen to her. Luckily, my cousin is a doctor. However he's not here. His wife is also a doctor so my uncle let her know and asked her to come to his house immediately.

She checked tok mami and said that she's not having a strok but from her condition, she might having a hypoglycemia or low blood sugar whereby there is an abnormally diminished content of glucose in the blood. My cousin's wife (kak nurin) said it might be because she doesnt eat but she's eating a diabetic pills.

When we reached my uncle's house, they already lift tok mami to be brought to emergency room. So we headed to sdmc. When they lift tok mami to the strecther, she saw my mom and me but couldnt say our name. It's like she's forgot our name. But kak nurin said she gave livita to tok mami and she took a few sip. After drink a few sip only she could speak. Otherwise, she couldnt speak and couldnt remember anything.

We waited for the doctor to checked her and kak nurin went inside with her. Kak Nurin explained to the doctor and when they checked, the reading for glukose was 1.9 whereby a normal reading is 4. That's the reason why tok mami couldnt speak properly..

We waited a few hours while they insert some glukose to tok mami and Alhamdullillah she's fine. She could speak properly but still cant really remember what had happen to her.

Today, she's quite fine as we were forcing her to drink livita. Alhamdullillah..

Different story, I called my sister in law today and she told me that my husband's niece is getting better. Alhamdullillah, another good news. She could eat now unlike before, she doesnt want to eat before. Talking with my sister in law, I notice that her tone was quite different from before.

Before, I can sense a worry tone but today, I sense a quite relieved tone with a hope that her daughter will be fine. I told her that I may not understand her feeling fully but when I was in her condition in that time I know the feeling. "Rasa macam esok dah nak mati dah..", I told her. And she said, "It is..It is.." Sometimes when we're put in the condition where other people dont experience, it mature us.. We know what to expect when others feel the exact same thing..

I guess lesson that I can learn here is, we couldnt even imagine what will happen to us in the future. What we could do is pray for the best for us and our family, InsyaAllah..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prayer for a little girl

I didnt tell many people what I've been through last year when I had miscarriage. Doctor suspected me having a "L" diseases based on the first blood test result. Frankly, I've heard about the diseases but never know what it is about. On top of that, I had infection, "T". Having a "L" diseases could lead to many other infection since the body is not capable to identify what kind of bacteria is good or bad for the system.

"L' is a diseases that most doctor can conclude cannot be cured for life but can be controllable. Which means when one had diagnosed as a "L" patient, he/she will have to go through their life with that diseases not knowing when it will makes they sick because it can attack anytime, anywhere.

What trigger my memories is of being suspected having a "L" is that, I just found out that my husband's niece, a 6 years old kid was diagnosed as a "L" patient. My heart broke when i heard that. Tears were running down my cheeks.

This is because, I was once being in that kind of situation. I cant even imagine what my sister in law feel at that moment. What i know and from what i've observed from my mother when i told her that doctor suspected me having a "L" and infected by "T", I saw her face changed when I told her that. Since I didnt really know what is "L" , I googled and I told her. I know she couldnt sleep at night.

The doctor gave me medicine for "T" for a month. And for a month, she asked me to eat balanced diet which includes a lot of protein, brisk walk for 45minutes everyday. She told me that if I had "L", it is quite hard for me to get pregnant since I will be given steroid to control my body system. So I asked again, "memang susah nak pregnant, tak boleh pregnant langsung ke?" She answer, "I have a patient that had miscarriage 8 times and when she saw me, she was diagnosed with "L". I have to give her some medicine tapi dia pregnant jugak. Susah masa awal-awal tu. Tapi sorang je anak dia. Tapi kita doa you tak kenalah penyakit ni. Sebab kalau kena I have to refer you to the specialist. Nanti bulatlah you sebab kena makan steroid. Bila dah controllable baru boleh pregnant."

Every word the doctor said at that moment was just like a bom to my face. I think I feel better if she could just stabbed my in the heart and let me die immediately other than having to face the reality. I dont have anyone I could pour my heart at that moment. My husband was currently at offshore at that moment. And when I told him, I expected him to react. But since he was burden by work and never heard about "L", he didnt react as what I expected him to react. I cant really tell him that I could die if I really have "L". And I cant really share my feelings with my mother because I know if I tell my mother, it will burden her even more. I know she couldnt sleep at night thinking of me. She copied my result and gave it to my cousin. She even brought the copy to the clinic we used to go. And the doctor we used to see tell her that based on the result, my result was higher that normal person but below the actual patient with "L". She's the one who introduced me with one supplement. She told my mother that I should try to eat it 6 pills a day, 2 pills at one time.

I still remember when my husband being called during puasa and he has to spend raya working offshore. At that time my husband told me that he has a replacement during raya. So i was excited and waited for him to come back. Turn out that his replacement was not been approved by their client. I cried, of course, and to console me, he said that it's ok, there will always been next year. We could spend raya together next year. And that moment, I feel rage and all the pain I keep, I burst out with a sentence, "kalau ada hidup sampai next year, kalau tak, takdelah..." I dont know why but at that time, I feel that the sentence of, 'next year', 'lain kali', 'nanti-nanti' is not in my diary.

After he get back, I know he does feel like he has to be there for me. So he always accompany me to the clinic. I remember when he's not here when I have to go through this one very painful procedure for me. I went to the clinic alone since my mother was not around and i never thought the doctor will done that. I thought she will just check me and give me some medicine. After that procedure, I didnt know that i feel so sick that I barely can stand, let alone drive. I feel so cold but i am sweating like I've been running 10km. But since I'm alone, kamikaze lah masa tu. Nak call kakak mintak tolong ambik macam dah tahan nak tunggu. So, redah je since the clinic and my house were not far. I was bleeding at that time I reached home. Tau tak sakit period pain macamana. Macam tu lah rasa sakitnya, times 10. I eat panadol, and I recite doa and I try to close my eyes to sleep so that I wont feel anything when i sleep. When I told my mother, she scolded me. Yelah macamana kalau tiba-tiba pengsan tengah jalan kan. And of course, i've been scolded by my husband too. Tapi at that time, I couldnt think. I dont want to burden anyone. Alhamdullillah, with all the pain procedure that I've been through, and consuming the medicine for "T" for several times and  supplement that I never missed, I'm getting better.

Hearing about my husband's niece who is just 6 years old really broke my heart. I know what I've been through. All the nights that I've been through and feeling the pain alone. I didnt told anyone that I cried everytime I prayed. And I know it came to my senses, 'bila sakit baru nak mengadu kat Allah...bila sihat selalu lupa pada Dia'. Sometimes, I even cried when I feel so sick that I barely can sleep,

if me, at that time, 26 years old couldnt bear the pain (eating the supplement does makes me feel a lot of pain since that supplement helps in building a stronger immune system), I dont want even imagine what a 6 year old girl been through. And she has been treated with steroid since she has an aggresive "L" attack, unlike me.. Which means, I only experience half the pain she's been through.

I tried to help by going to the clinic and asked whether she could be given the supplement. The doctor said, she could but since she is given steroid, the doctor has to call someone that experience the same things and she will get back to me. So the only thing I could do now is praying for the health of this little child and I beg for everyone's mercy who is reading this, please do pray for the health of this little child.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, aku tau yang Kau tahu yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambamu. Tapi kurangkanlah penderitaan anak kecil itu. Sembuhkanlah dia, sihatkanlah dia, Engkau yang menyembuhkan, tidak ada penyembuhan selain penyembuhanMu, penyembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit.Tabahkanlah ibu bapanya, saudara maranya untuk menempuh dugaan ini, Ya Allah, Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Pemurah.

Amin Ya Rabbilalamin...

Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286.
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdoa): "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri ma'aflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir."