Friday, September 25, 2009

near death experience

what your first expression on the driver of the car above when u see the condition of the car?
erm..actually i dont really need the answer..hehe
my brother met an accident last wednesday around 1 a.m..he went out using my dad's car to lepak2 with his friends..
for those who knows ss15 areas, he met an accident near ss15, dekat traffic light banyak2 tu..
proton saga hit him from accross the street..kire my brother almost lepas, the proton saga hit the back of the car and makes the car spinning like gasing and taktau macamana boleh melayang2 pegi another cross of the street..
and kawan kepada kawan my adik kebetulan belakang my adik..he saw everthing..the proton saga langgar lampu merah and he said, when he saw the whole thing, he expect my brother in several pieces (innallillah)..he opened the door for my brother as my brother couldnt move..
during the impact, seat belt tercabut and he was holding the seat belt, and he fell down the driver seat..nasib baik bawah seat tu quite spacious..and bile airbag terbukak, cover my he quite safe behind the seat..
my adik said when he fell down, he feel the car was spinning but he cant do anything..
seriously, if i'm in that situation, i will cry first..hehe..
the other driver was safe too but he cant say a word after the accident due shock..he was calming himself..
my adik too was quite shocked..luckily for him, he doesnt have any injury except the bruises..
this is the second time he had accident but this is the major one..the accident memang sangat mengejutkan semua orang and semua orang bersyukur yang die drive my dad's car not his..
nasib baik kereta die takde minyak that time..
and alhamdullillah he's fine..sangat2 bersyukur...
when this kind of event occur in your life, it makes you think..
are you ready to die..
eventhough i never experience a near death experience.. makes me think...have i prepared to die?

Thursday, September 24, 2009


i was browsing the internet as usual and i found articles about dolphins..and dolphins reminds me of someone..
**berangan mode**

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

proses menguraikan puzzle part 3

the 3rd and final hamper my father had received..sedih woo lepas ni tak dapat dah..kena tunggu raya tahun depan plak..haih..hehe

hasilnya..banyak betul makanan..hehe

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

looking back

While organizing and finally have guts to throw all my notes/past year during diploma, i found old stuff, pictures, cards, poem everything that relates to my past..

Looking back at the past makes me wonder about life..things happen on the past makes us the person we are right now..

I cant really say that i am proud of a person i am now since i'm still new in surviving life..still cant live on my own..still need support from my parents and friends..

i'm still looking for the right path..i wish and hoping that one day when i look back on my life, i would at least proud of myself..

erm..looking at the pictures when i'm still in the primary and high school makes me wanted to turn back time..

the memories of being such a young, innocent person were so priceless..

so innocent..and nothing to be worry at all..

the cards..the poem wrote by my friend to me will be remain..

if it suddenly lost because of fire or anything, it will still remain in my heart..

*tetiba jadi minah jiwang jap..haha*

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult- once we truly understand and accept it- then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters"

"Love is too large, too deep ever to be truly understood or measured or limited within the framework of words"

Parts of the phrase written by M. Scott Peck in 'The Road Less Traveled' that i loved.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

to some people like me who doesnt have kampung..

who doesnt know how to play mercun, bunga api and seangkatan dengannya,

doesnt really know the feeling of people who often celebrate raya at kampung..

my family and i usually celebrate raya only on the first raya..

2nd day raya, live life as usual..

on the 1st raya,
after sembahyang raya, we went to my uncle's house and some other relative's house..

after that...balik rumah, tido or tengok tv..

sometimes i envy people who has kampung..

boleh kacau dodol..buat bahulu..anyam ketupat..bakar lemang..

pasang pelita..kacau2 makcik2 belakang rumah yang sibuk masak rendang..

dapat rasa suasana raya yang betul2 raya..

dapat main mercun..main bunga api..

dapat rasa perasaan tersangkut dalam jem nak balik kampung sebab banyak kereta sangat sambil lambai2 orang sebelah konon2 kenal padahal tak kenal langsung..hehe

haih..takpela..terima jela diri ini orang bandar yang takde kampung..hehehe

btw, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin to everyone who were reading this dengan ucapan, "kalau anda baik hati, silalah bagi duit raya kepada azliza yang sangat baik" hahaha

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

duit raya

things i will miss the most on raya is....

duit raya...uwaaa~~~~

since i'm working right now, i guess it's my turn to give duit raya..

no more accepting duit raya...

yelah..selalu lagi tua, samada dapat banyak or tak dapat langsung..

haha..sengal kan dah tua2 n bekerja masih nak duit raya..boleh tak guna excuse, saya baru kerja sebulan..tak mampu berdiri atas kaki sendiri lagi..hehe..

and untuk orang2 macam saya yang baru berjinak2 nak jadi orang yang takkan dapat duit raya,

terima duit raya sangatlah benda yang menggembirakan..

weeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ happy mode~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

proses menguraikan puzzle part 2

raya dah nak dekat, so adalah a few yang bagi hamper/stock free kat ayah today, balik kerja nampak hamper..apa lagi, mestila excited nak bukak kan..hehe..afterall, this might be the last one kot..taktau nape but this year bank je yang bagi..supplier bagi stock..haih..hehe

sebelum dikerjakan..hehe
xiexie cimb bank..hehe

bakul sangat besar tapi letak banyak2 sampah/kertas nak bagi cantik..barang takdelah banyak pon..

hasilnya..walaupon tak banyak, but coklat2 die imported..quality is better than quantity kan..hehe..

imported chocolate yang setahun sekali nak makan pon susah..(eceh2..padahal tak berapa suke coklat ni (yg merah) sebab sangat coklat..camne heh nak explain, erm..sangat creamy coklat2 yang makan banyak2 boleh muak..hehe)

hasilnya...haih..banyakla kumpul lemak raya..haih..hehehe

Ikutilah kisah teladan ini..ikutla moral of the storynya....hehe

Yesterday, i feel so damn sleepy as i cant sleep well the night before..i woke up every 1 hour..tension woo..i guess that happen when there's something on my mind..

so, as usual, i have to woke up on 640am as my office starts at 750am (actually 8 tapi jam office cepat 10minit)..dengan nak tempuh crazy traffic depan summit lagi..

so..with a headache i drive to office and reach in one piece..hehe

(work as usual with mata yang makin sepet and kepala berat..dahla takde rehat kan..ngantuk2..hehe)

at 3.59 p.m...

me, cakap dalam hati lah kan.."uisyh lagi satu minit nak balik..erm..takpela, buat keje sikit lagi..."

at 4.30pm..went home with sleepy head and was thinking about something.. daydreaminglah.. hehe

around 5pm, selamat sampai rumah, bukak gate.. and as usual buat reverse parking as it is easier for me bile dah lambat pegi office..

masa nak reverse tu..still mengantuk tahap maximum and at the same time tengah pikirkan something..

cakap dalam hati sambil daydreaming,"budget2 boleh belakang lagi ni..okeih, belakang lagi, sikit lagi..lepas kot pagar ni.."

"okeih, depan sikit pastu reverse balik.."

tanpa tukar gear 'D' and gear masih di 'R', terus tekan minyak..

"(bunyi berlanggaran..)"

dalam hati," ya Allah...aiyoooo.....habislah..mintak2 tak teruk...haih...."

terus keluar kereta, dalam hati," aaaaa......uwaaaa~~~~..pecah lampu belakang...haiyoooo...."

hasil pelanggaran kereta dengan gate rumah...inilah akibat memandu dengan mengantuk yang teramat and berangan tak sudah..huhuhuhu..

jadi harini terpaksa pegi kerja seperti zaman2 budak sekolah rendah dihantar ayahnya..dan bile balik seperti kanak2 riang gembira waktu sekolah dah habis tapi kemudiannya kecewa melihat rakan2 lain pulang ke rumah dengan gembira tapi diri sendiri tak dapat pulang ke rumah dengan serta-merta kerana terpaksa menunggu ayah jemput pulang ke rumah..hehehe

erm..tapi mungkin juga, saya langgar gate rumah dengan sengaja sebab nak rasa balik zaman2 sekolah dihantar dan diambil..terasa seperti kanak2 yang dilimpahi dengan penuh kasih sayang..eceh ceh..(buat alasan yang mungkin hanya munasabah pada diri sendiri sebab dah langgar gate rumah sendiri..hehehe)

bila tau harga nak repair kereta tu, tersentap kejap. dan mula dapat bayangkan kalau bayar sendiri, almost semua duit gaji terbang bagai burung terbang bebas di langit...lampu je dah 500++.. nak ketuk lagi..haiyooo~~~

so moral of the story, silalah langgar gate rumah sendiri or tembok rumah kalau nak rasa balik kenangan semasa zaman budak2 sekolah dihantar dan diambil dari eh.. salah2...bukan2, ni bukan moral of the story nya..hehe

moral of the story yang betul2, silalah jangan drive ketika sangat mengantuk dan janganlah daydreaming ketika drive..

pesanan terakhir, drive carefully, ingatlah orang tersayang...hehehe
usually when we have feelings like wanted to give something, anything to someone, we might fall for that person without we realize it..

at least i do..haiyoo...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


i dont have anymore energy to write what i've done today as i'm so tired and i have to rest for work i guess pictures could reflex thousand words..hehe

biskut cornflakes with raisin..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

lain dari biasa

since next week dah raya, i've decided to bake some family tradition cookies today..yelah, my akak pon takde klas, my mom pon dah kata ok, so kami pon bertungkus lumus buat tradition cookies, biskut kerutu..

mesti orang pelik kan, tak pernah dengar biskut ni..hehe..nama die kerutu sebab bentuk die macam alien kerutu2..hehehe

see, macam alien kan, ada mata, ada idung merah lagi..cuma takde mulut..hahaha

we start around 11am and finish around 3pm..i slept after that until almost 5pm..

then, ntah kenapa arini mood rajin sangat, i bake cornflakes again..sebab pikir nak bagi my adik since he has to go back to melaka today and havent taste the cookies..(eceh2, konon2 akak mithali..haha)

after that, baju2 untuk pegi keje di iron..

my mom said she felt asleep after praying since she exhausted from baking biskut sister pon dah collapse depan hall rumah and said,"ni semua adik punya pasal ni..(penat buat biskut..hehe)"

then my mom said,"eh, die kat belakang iron baju pulak..ok je..tak penat pulak..lepas buat biskut kerutu buat cornflakes dah iron baju..(tak ingat exact word..)"

and my sister,"adik lainlah arini, tak macam biasa..(something like that..tak ingat the exact word..hehe)"

ces...what she meant is that, i usually felt exhausted easily and quite lazy..tapi tengok harini, sapa malas sekarang? hehehehe

menguraikan pelekat2 hamper ala2 detective conan

bile dekat2 nak raya, benda yang paling saya suka buat, bukak hamper bile ada supplier bagi kat ayah..weee~~~

since some supplier asked my father what he wants, he usually asked for free jaranglah nak dapat hamper banyak2 tahun ni..haih..sedihnya..hehehe
but lagi bagus macam tu coz selalu hamper2 tu pon penuh dengan coklat yang supplier tu supply..cuma kesianla saya yang suka bukak hamper ni..hehe
so tadi, dapat bukak satu hamper yang besar dari woo~~~
bukan apa, satu kepuasan dapat leraikan kotak2 yang orang dah lekat2 bagi tinggi2..kadang2 bergaduh dengan gunting nak leraikan satu2 kotak..ala, macam selesaikan puzzle tu..
kepuasan dia macam tu..macam dapat solvekan puzzle yang susah or selesaikan misteri macam detective conan..haha

dalam proses nak uraikan satu2 barang..

hasil daripada proses penguraian pelekat2 hamper..hehehe
i believe that, 'what you gave, you get back'..

meaning, whatever we did to others, anything good or bad things, will eventually came back to us..especially bad things, it will hunt us back..

let say we take advantage on others, someday, someone will take advantage on us too..

or, we help others when they need us, someday, when we need help, someone will be there for us..

so, i will try my best not doing something that i dont like people do to me..

but sometimes, it is out of my control..

i'm not trying to make an excuse here..

but when it comes to heart matters, i'm not really myself..

i dont want others to do the same to me but i just cant help it..

i hate myself when i'm like this..

cant make decision..haih haih haih..

Friday, September 11, 2009

second cookies..

terasa sangat poyo bile setiap kali try buat kek or buat cookies mesti tulis dalam ni..tapi tak kisahlah..sapa yang rasa saya sangat poyo, buat-buatlah rasa saya sangat comel bile dah tua ni (ops salah, mudalah..) baru nak buat kek or cookies sendiri..meaning mak tak tolong bancuh cuma tolong masa nak letak adunan untuk dibakar..hehe

sebab akak kat ofis tu asyik cerita pasal biskut cornflakes yang sangat sedap and senang nak buat, walaupun takde the exact resipi, hati ini sangat berkobar-kobar nak buat gak..hehe

jadinya, balik dari ofis terus keluarkan butter bagi temperature room..dalam pukul 8, terus bekerja keras (ceh, takla keras sangat..hehe) 9 semua dah settle..sangat kagum dengan diri sendiri sampai cakap kat mak, kalau senang camni, buat 200 biji pon takpe..(padahal malas tapi sebab saja nak bangga diri sendiri, cakaplah camtu..hehehe)

and my first attempt of baking cornflakes cookies berjaya..hooyeay~~~hehehehe

see...berjaya..tapi sangat senang sebab takde keje remeh temeh nak ayak tepung and so on sebab tak guna tepung..hehe..but this weekend nak try buat cookies cornflakes yang guna tepung pulak..hopefully berjaya..chayo2~~~ hehe

usual day at office..

on wednesday, i have some urgent job that makes me feel miserable and quite 'kabut'..

kalau orang tengok mesti akan rasa macam budak ni ada masalah ni, muka ketat je..hehe

but i feel like i have no time to do two job at the same time, bungkus kerepek to give to the client and at the same time i have to finish up audit report for 2 company since it's final date to submit to ccm is today..

while i run to ensure that i do 2 job at the same time, i almost trip down when i wanted to print my report, so as usual, mestila melatah,"oh mak kau.."

and staff who sat besides me, edy or pak lawak di ofis suddenly said," ha? mana-mana? rasanya kat rumah..."

i am totally blur and suddenly realize, he was answering me, 'oh mak kau..'..u know, like i'm saying, oh, mak edy..

i laughed and forget about my stress on work..

a small laughed like this could brighten my stressful life at office..

so a piece of advice, marilah gelak2 bile woo~~~~ hehehe

Monday, September 7, 2009

my first attempt

i made some chocolate cookies today..semangat nak buat cookies sendiri tahun ni..padahal tak pernah buat pon sebelum ni. hehe.

so, the first batch of the cookies turn out like piring terbang hangus (my mom gives the name. hehe)..

see..sangat besar macam piring terbang and hangus sebab kena tembak..haha
second batch, size dah ok but terlajak bakar so turn out hangus gak..

the third batch baru jadi sket..

the taste? erm..manis gile..terlebih gula..sebab gula baru bukak..hehehe

tapi sangat penat rasanya..terpikir macamana orang buat cookies baru sikit dah rasa nak tido satu hari tak bangun2..hehe

Sunday, September 6, 2009

selangor cuti..hehe

After went out with my mom, i went out with hyne, difa and paan.. we went out to eat together..breaking fast lah..bukan mkn lunch ye..hehe

It was fun..i cant wait for raya to gather together again since difa has to go back to jengka..sebab masih sekolah lagi..hahaha (berniat gelak jahat..hehe)

erm..takde gambar pulak nak letak..sume gambar kt camera difa..

sebenarnya saya busan..taktau nak wat apa padahal ada keje kena siapkan..malasnye..hehe

kisah sengal

yesterday, i went to buy some stuff to bake cakes and cookies for raya (eceh-eceh, perlu ke cakap..haha..) which like my mother said, "ntah2, beli je bahan tapi simpan sampai raya tahun depan"..hehe

so this conversation occur in the car while we (my mom, my sis and i) were listening to a raya song,

Situation 1

'....menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf~~~~' cant remember who's the singer but that was part of the lyrics..

suddenly, i blurt out things that was wondering in my mind,

"kalau ada budak tu main mercun hilang jari, macamana nak susun sepuluh jari mintak maaf?"

hehehe...all of us were laughing and my sister said,

"adik dah terpikir benda2 yang orang lain tak pernah terpikir..macam mak. gene mak dah mula berkembang sikit demi sikit..haha"

my mom,"die dah mula adapt lesson sikit demi sikit tu.."


Situation 2

tau tak accesories yang letak kat kereta yang akan goyang2 sendiri bile kena cahaya matahari tu? ala, yg macam pasu bunga then ada daun2 or butterfly tu.. my sis punya bentuk butterfly..

my sis," eyh, nape keta sebelah punye goyang2, azuranye tak goyang?"

i think everyone can predict what happen next, mestila my mom pegi sentuh and goyangkan die guna tangan,"ha, ni dah goyang.."


Situation 3

on the way back home, the butterfly goyang2 sendiri, and my mom,"ha, mak tak pegang pon die dah pandai goyang kepak die sendiri.."

me,"aahla..kepak die asyik goyang je..tapi tak terbang2..."


i love spent days with my family..ada je bahan nak menyengal..hahaha

Saturday, September 5, 2009

kalau orang perempuan tu biasalah tak ingat jalan kan..

i mean takde sense of direction..

tapi kalau lelaki takde sense of direction tu macam pelik kan?

sapa setuju? sila angkat tangan

(bunyi sahut-menyahut, "saya2", "i stuju", "betul2, aku setuju", "agree!"..dan macam2 lagi orang menjerit setuju..hehe)

Friday, September 4, 2009

I was thinking..

everyone of us has our own experience in life..

each one of us has our own stories..

in a good and bad ways..

sad stories..

happy stories..

love stories..

adventure stories..

novel of our own with every kind of stories..

we are the walking novel..

yeah..we are..

lazy day..

I love a day of just lazying around in the house without doing nothing that used your head..

reading..surfing the internet..thinking about future..sleeping..doing nothing..

seronok kan..