Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When we like the opposites so much we always wanted to know everything about him/her.

His/her birthday. His/her thought about anything. His/Her favourite colours, place, etc etc..

We are also tend to think about him/her everytime and everywhere we go..

When we do it silently, we are called secret admirer..

But when we do it openly, which intend to make that person acknowledged us but instead started to irritate that person, we are called stalker..

And who likes stalker? we all hate stalker..i hate stalker..


Anonymous said...

yes.. i also hate stalker.. i think even everyone hate every person possess this nature.

but hatred are the thing that we decide since we start to hate him/her.once we walked to the path of hatred,we wont see what is good or bad,truth or liar,even so proven is upon our eyes.

p/s: i did hate stalker,but its not me to becoming a hatred.(ED)

azliza said...

but i think we tend to become a hatred when someones irritate us so much isnt it? at least i do. i dont want to become a hatred but like u said, we all hate stalker..
btw, what's ur real name, ed?

Anonymous said...

anyway.. be hate to someone is already bad way to us.its because when hate is in our heart,hatred will grow stronger and is much more easier to "syaithan" run through our mind.then it will create an anger.then we'll do something bad unconsciously.
for me even i hate someone ,to avoid the hatred, i'll try to see what is good thing his/her do to us.forgiveness will eventually come to us or to him/her.

is that really important to you to fully know me? im just the person try to help you based on my opinion.rather is good or bad still you're the one will decide thing in your life.. is not really helpful for you to knowing someone is not really exist.(ED)

azliza said...

yeah, but forgive is easy than forget. to forgive doesnt mean to forget..i dont easily hate others..only someone who irritates me so much..

correct me if i'm wrong, but your sentence,"not really helpful for you to knowing someone is not really exist" means you're not exist. your giving your opinion here..so you're exist right? is it wrong to know the name of a person who keep giving his/her opinion advice to me? i'm just just asking your real name..if you cant answer it, it's ok. but answer this, do i know you literally speaking?

Anonymous said...

even so, its still you'll decide to forget or not.forgive and forget is like you fishing in law catch and release.but after you catch and release the fish but still you regret with the action taken,then after the second fish you caught,more possibility that you'll abandon the law you just create before.

not really exist is not mean not exist.that for sure.
if you didn't like my opinion maybe after this i`ll just stopped my comments here..

azliza said...

so what does it means?

i'm not saying that i didnt like your opinion/advice. i'm just asking you, do i know you literally speaking. you can say yes or no, no need to tell me your real name if you dont want to..i'm just curious, that's all..

Anonymous said...

its means you'll not be a forgiver even you say so and your heart will keep suffering unless you truly forgive him/her.
p/s:azliza.. what is i just say is only my opinion based by your written.i did not understand the situation or the reasons why you wrote that.so please reconsider what i just say (ED)

azliza said...

i am who i am..forgiving is quite easy but i have tendency not to forget..

sorry if my curiousity hurt you in any ways..like i said before,i'm just curious..

Anonymous said...

:) (ED)