Thursday, December 10, 2009

charity works..

As been told before, I went to RACTAR last was a tiring, fun and educational trip..Being there with the unfortunate kids makes me realise how lucky i am..

Dr Nafsiah, one of their guardians was a lecturer for my bos and my audit senior..what a small world..She met her former students in different ways..
Masa ucapan, dia cakap yang banyak rumah disediakan untuk anak-anak yatim tapi tak banyak rumah yang terima anak-anak terbiar dan miskin. RACTAR dibina untuk semua anak-anak yatim, miskin dan terbiar..and kebanyakan yang ada dalam RACTAR tu anak-anak terbiar.. bila parents bercerai, anak-anak tak ada tempat bergantung..ada yang kahwin lain tapi anak yang dah ada tak diendahkan.

Masa dekat sana, ada lebih kurang 30 orang anak-anak ractar yang ada so they were divided to 5 groups. One group ada dalam 6 orang. 5 out of 6 kids in my group has either mother or father and their parents were separated. This one girl i interviewed, she said that their parents were separated and she didnt know where her dad goes. So there she was. She had been living there for 4 years and she's 16 now..seeing her, knowing her story really touch my heart. She has other siblings who already worked but they leave her there.

They looked so happy yet they have so many sad stories. These were some of the stories being told by them to us..These were being told by Kak Arma and Kak Su since we from different groups..

Kisah 1

"Mak dengan ayah ada lagi?"
"Ayah dah meninggal.."
"akak tanya ni kalau tak boleh jawab takpe, meninggal kenapa?"

"kena langgar lori.."

Kisah 2-dengan bdk 4 or 5 thn

"adik kat sini ada siapa2 kat rumah tak?"

"ada mak"

"ayah dalam penjara. dia hisap dadah"

"sapa cakap?"


These were some of many stories of their life. Hearing their stories really makes me feel like i'm living in a quite different world with theirs..and it makes me so grateful knowing how fortunate i am for having a happy life with my family always stand besides me on my ups and down of life..
with my groups..

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