Saturday, December 19, 2009


We have came to the end of year 2009..another 2 weeks, we're going to the new year, 2010. Sometimes it makes me keep thinking how fast time were moving.

I still remember the day I went to school to get spm result...the day i got offer from uitm to pursue study in accountancy..the day i met wonderful friends..

I still remember the day when i stop doing anything after diploma and just sitting around at home for almost a year..

I still remember the day when i went to melaka to starts new life..and the day i got my degree and starts working..

Sometimes life goes on too fast that i cant even notice..For all i know i might be 40..if only i could stop life from moving on..but i guess that's life..i cant stop anything from happening but i could pray for everything will went ok..

it's hard sometimes to be someone who overthinking..haih..


Anonymous said...

as we grow up,we LEARN that even the one person that wasn't SUPPOSED to let us down PROBABLY WILL.
you'll have your HEART broken,PROBABLY MORE THAN ONCE,and its HARDER every time.
you'll fight with your BESTFRIEND and maybe even fall in LOVE with them.
you'll blame a NEW LOVE for thing an old one did.
you'll CRY because TIME is PASSING too fast and..
you'll eventually LOSE someone CLOSE to you.
so take too many PICTURES,LAUGH and LOVE like you've never been hurt because every 60 second you spend ANGRY or UPSET is a minute of HAPPINESS you'll never get back.

azliza said...

thanx..this is ed right? do i know u?

Anonymous said...

owh im sorry i didn't put my name there.. yes.. im wrote that (ED)