Saturday, August 29, 2009

Between working and not working..

This event happened a week before i start working which means a long time ago..but it still remains in my mind..hurm..

A week before i start working, my friend and i went to ex-schoolmate's house to learn how to bake cheese cake.

So this conversation occur during the baking process..diubahsuai mengikut ingatan saya..hehe

"Az buat apa ye sekarang?"

"Isnin ni baru start keje..sya?"

"Sya ambik tengah ambik 2 paper..tak sedar diri dah tua..hehe"

"haha..taklah least sya dah pernah kerja kan. az nak sambung belajar gak tapi nanti..kerja dulu least ada pengalaman. tapi belum start kerja az dah malas ni..susah2 sangat nanti cari datuk mana2 kawen dok rumah jaga anak..hahaha.."

well, excuse untuk tak kerja selain belajar is kawen kan..haha..

"haha..habis tu susah payah belajar degree buat apa?"

me, terdiam sekejap, "takpe, boleh gantung degree buat perhiasan kat dinding..haha"

hurm..but seriously, people keep saying that once you get a degree, you have to work successfully, have a great job with a great salary and as if got married and not working such a waste of getting a degree..hurm..

I get it that some people have bigger obligation as they are the oldest in siblings or whatsoever so they have to work. But i dont get it why do we have to questioned others' opinion. different people different opinion isnt it? hehe

So, after baking, niza and i were talking in the car about the conversation between me and sya. she did not listened as she was doing something else. Then she asked me, "awk rasalah, salah ke kalau kite lebih suka duduk rumah bile dah kawen dari kerja. i mean is it wrong for us to want to be happy rather than not being happy and earn great money?" (macam biasa conversation diubahsuai ikut ingatan..lebih kurang jela..hehe)

"Samalah's better to earn small money or nothing at all for doing something we love rather than we suffer to earn big money kan..but for some people kalau dah ada degree, kenalah kerja best2..cari kerja yang dapat banyak duit. orang cakap buat apa belajar tinggi2 kalau niat tu tak mau kerja yg best2 lepas tu. it's like its totally wrong for having a degree but not working..
but kerja sampai 2-3 pagi, hari2 suffer, especially doing something that you hate, erm, buat apa..cari penyakit je. lebih baik duduk rumah happy2 dah kawen masak untuk family jaga anak. orang cakap salah, tapi tak semestinya salah kan. so the best thing is to ignore apa orang lain cakap..hehe"

"betul2..samalah kite fikir..baik duduk rumah masak untuk family dari kerja suffer je kan.."

"ya betul.."

Kesimpulannya, lu pikirla sendiri..(pinjam moto nabil jap..)..hahaha

p/s: difa, aku dah update..haha..


diFa said...

wahhh byk nyer entertainment beta..huhu :)

nyway for me.. aku akan cr keje yg btol2 aku minat..xkesah lah kene mengene ke x ngan ni maybe utk meninggi kan gaji compared to others yg xde lah kot..die mcm buke peluang yg lg byk..:)

n aku rse ko amat sesuai bukak kedai kek tu..mcm so sweettt~ [ish kene mengene ke aku cmmt ni..]

azliza cumil said...

kau mmg dr dulu suke kan bidang actg2 ni..
so xdela nk cr keje lain kan..

what if kau minat benda lain, dpt keje dlm bidang tu but, dpt offer in actg field gaji lg byk dr kje wat yg kau minat..

what will u do? jeng jeng jeng..hehe

eyh, ada kena mgena..aku mmg sweet..haha~~

azliza said...

eyh lupe ckp, entry aku kau kna bc sket2 dfa..
aku tulis byk2 sbb dah keje blk, no idea n tak byk masa la..hehe

diFa said...

hahaha ~ hurm maybe aku amek yg gaji xkan tahan lama lah kot..pastu keje yg aku minat ngan gaji biasa2 sbb dah kaya~ huahua.. yeke???
tah2 nnt aku reda' je ngan keje ape2 aku dpt..:)

aku xckp kp sweet..wekkk:P aku ckp kedai kek sweet~ hehe pasan~ huhu

alor kene bace sket2 ke?? aku dh bace skali semua dh.hahahahaha~ gile tamak kan.. :P

Amy Bacen said...

even dah lambat
tp aku nak komen gak
aku berminat sgt2
nak jd fulltime suri umah
sbb aku nak jaga my own kids
disamping hari2 bake cake
dgn my own kids jugak
well,even that doesn't sound
like an ambitious thing to do
tp tu self satisfaction utk aku
after all,bukan kwn kite
nk bg duit pun kan?kn?kn?
so buatla ape kite suke

azliza said...

kan kan kan..
rs cam excited nk jd fulltime hsewife kn..
jaga anak sendiri
jd kanak2 ngan anak2
samala kite cume beza kau dah kawen..haha
btul2..buat apa kite suke
isyh ttba rindu sgt kt kau sbb kte ada ambition yg lebih krg sama
buat kek, bkk tadika ke or blajar mjahit or jd hsewife..