Friday, August 7, 2009

hectic week

Last week was the first week i start working. It was not bad for the first week..Hectic but was not bad.

First day, the senior staff handover taxation task to me..after finishing all the computation, fill in form C & R, the other senior staff handover audit job to be amend. he said, "baru 1st day dah byk keje..dah pening..haha"..ces, he laughed at me..hehe

Second day was quite boring since i didn't have the secretarial manager ask me to do audit reminder. erm..boring and tiring since i have to check the secretarial file one by one and calculate the date of last filing annual return, bla, bla n bla..hehehe

I overcome things i didnt overcome when i'm practical. Usually when i'm doing out field job, i will be accompanied by staff but last wednesday i have to go to SSM by my own..quite frightening at first.

Since i have no sense of direction, of course i got lost in shah alam. Nama je budak subang tapi shah alam pon boleh sesat.besides, i'm a former student in uitm shah alam. macamnantah still xingat jalan..hehe..then, when i enter the parking lot in Plaza Alam Sentral, i got lost again..i dunno where to go. So with a big courage (cewah, courage konon), i just wondering around in PAS..finally when i reached SSM, there's one staff call me and said that he wanted to pass some document for me to bring back to office. So i feel relieved a bit..i asked him how to go to idaman counter, ctc express and whatsoever..he taught me the procedure and then he left.

When it's my turn to filing the document, there's some problem since the date is late. the company has to be compound so i call my manager. She asked me to talk slowly with the officer. So i did but still, the document cannot be processed. then, there's some document that have been adjusted to be filed again. and i have to go and see a big officer there since i need the document immediately..the officer asked me to come later after lunch. So a big relieve again, i dont have to go to idaman counter to find the company's information. fuh..lega den..hehe

After finished everthing in SSM, i need to go to KWSP to register. again, i got lost..duh..finally when i reached KWSP, the queue is quite long so what should i do other than daydreaming kan. hehe..and guess what, i miss my turn..gile sengal boleh daydreaming sampai macam tu..hehe.. then, my next destination is to make payment for my bos. again, i dont know where to belasah je pusing2 rupa-rupanya kena naik tingkat 2 je..hehe

my last destination is to deposit cheque at cimb..since i dont know how to go to cimb taipan, i went to wisma consplant. again, i'm making mistake at cimb..nak deposit cheque pon boleh salah..memang sengal ari tu..hehe

after my last destination, i went back to office. terasa sangat penat.hehe..

on thursday and friday, nothing much..i still have to finished up the audit reminder and on friday, the senior staff asked me to help him in statutory audit and fill in the taxation forms..

things i like with this ofice is that, working hours started at 830 and finished at 5pm.. 5pm people..hehe..but break has been cut down to 45minutes..but i dont care..5pm is enough to make me happy..hehehe..

today is saturday..yippie~~~~~~berehat sebentar bersama kitkat.hehe

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