Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sembunyi macam ostrich

My mood was quite swingy yesterday and i felt so damn tired after work.

before i went to bed, usually i will go to my mom's room to kacau2 her. my sister was there too. while my mother and i were talking, she was busy digging her clothes from basket with her head inside the basket.

when i look at her, her action reminds me of ostrich. ala, burung yang kepala panjang and bile nak sembunyi dari musuh die tanam kepala dalam tanah. macamla xnampak badan die yang besar tu..hehe

so, what i did is that, well it is a reflex action tau, i push her head into the basket. nak tengok sedalam mana leh pegi macam ala-ala ostrich tu..hahaha~~

well, my reflex action makes all of us laughed. mata yang sudah sepet kerana sangat mengantuk menjadi lagi sepet kerana gelak tanpa henti..hehehe..

then my mother cerita another story yang buat kami lagi rasa nak gelak berdekah-dekah..(see what i'm trying to do here, i try to write in bahasa since i 'm not good writing in bahasa, i mean formal way, bukan bahasa pasar.hehe..)..

she told us that its either me or my adik, masa kecik2 dulu bile main sembunyi2, cakap, sembunyi2 and then use bantal to cover the face. face only..badan x..hehe.. macamlah orang xnampak badan tu kalau cari.. konon2 tutp muka, kite xnampak orang, orang pon xnampak kte..macam ostrich la..hehehehe..

ok, it's 1158pm..gile la..never slept this late since i've been working for a week and 2 days..esok kena keje..haih~~

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