Sunday, July 19, 2009


My sister asked me whether I wanted to follow her and my mother to summit in the afternoon and my answer, "tengokla sebab ingat nak merempit petang nanti..". She is totally clueless when I said that and keep asking what do i meant by that. My mother? She and I laughed since only both of us understand what I meant.

And I'm sure that people who read this were totally blur.. Azliza dah jadi minah rempit? Bukan, bukan saya bukan minah rempit. hehehe.. Just by riding a motorcycle makes me scared like hell. I still remember when I ride with haina. I'm so quiet because I'm too scared and she said that I'm too quiet that she was afraid that I fell off the motocycle..hehehe

So, what I meant with merempit? It came out when i was watching television with my mother and I'm exercising (can u imagine i'm exercising? that shows that i'm too bored sleeping all day at home..). While I do some squating (bend my knees and put out my hands like riding a bike), my mother suddenly make some facial expression and blurt out, "Eyh, buat apa ni? Merempit pulak dia..orang suruh kemas bilik dia merempit.." and she laughed.. and of course i laughed too..hehe

When I told my sister what I meant, she laughed too. My mother and sister couldnt stop laughing so i told my mom that she should try 'merempit' and i show her how to 'merempit'.

She 'merempit', "eyh, sakit lututla, adik xsakit lutut ke?"

Me, intended to kenakan her back, "mak xminum susu selalu tu yang sakit lutut tu.."

Mom, "eyh minum apa, yang mak beli susu anlene tu..selalu minum apa.."

Me, "Bila mak start minum? Waktu mak umur berapa? (still looking for a chance to kenakan her)"

Mom, "erm....(looking for a right answer)..umur 51++..."

Me, "ha..orang start minum masa muda2.."

Mom, cutting me, "kat tin tu tulis 51++. so kenala minum masa umur 51++..bawah dari tu xle la.."

Me, of course laughing so hard.. isyh, ada je jawapan my mom.. bagus plak tu..

haih, maybe i have some other time to kenakan her balik..hehehe

She even bring the tin to show to me..hehehe..sapa ada mak macam ni? i'm so lucky to have this kind of mother..i love u mom..hehe..

So people, now you know why i'm a bit sengal..its in the gene people..hehehehe..

And writing this reminds me one situation where a friend of mine wanted to tumpang me back to kl from melaka. Since my father fetch me, she asked my mother, "saya tumpang ni muat ke makcik... (because 2 friend of mine were already in the car..)"

My mother, "takpe, kalau xmuat nanti kita ambik tali rafia ikat kat kereta....(intend to kenakan my friend kot..)" hehehe

My friend blur at first and laughed after that..

My friend told me that she didnt expect that kind of answer ans she thought my mother would just answer, muat...

hehehehe..that's my mother.. and i love her so much.. *muahsss*

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