Wednesday, July 22, 2009

'kool' t-shirt..

I sat all day in front of the tv and my laptop and i did not on the fan..and yeah i wore a free mentos t-shirt there's a word "kool" on my t-shirt..yela, mentos kool kn..

then my mother suddenly said, "nanti jangan pakai dah t-shirt tu.."

me, totally blur and shocked, why i shouldnt wear this t-shirt. i even looked down at my t-shirt, jarang ke t-shirt ni, since its white..

then my mother like reading my mind, "yela, t-shirt tu kool..mak berpeluh-peluh sembahyang.."

she said that because she cant on the fan since i'm 'kool'..

hehehe..a small joke like this brighten my day since i'm in a bad mood today..hehehe


diFa said...

hahahaha~ lawak2!
well sometimes mcm xsure mse bile mak ko nk start wat was unpredictable okay..

azliza said...

haha..kau pon knal mak aku kn..
ble kau hyne n amy dtg lg die suke..
upacara mgenakan aku bramai2..haha~~