Tuesday, July 7, 2009

bercakap kepada dunia

I was talking with a friend of mine when suddenly i told him that i have a blog.

He asked for my url and i refused to give him and i said that i'm embarrassed if he read my blog.

So he said (or something like this), " habis tu awak tulis blog takde sapa baca ke?"

and i said that, i know people were reading it and it's ok if i dont know who reading it. I write just to get off anything in my chest.

so he said (or something like this), "kire macam tulis ni bukan untuk semua orang baca, tapi nak bercakap kepada dunia..saya, tulis ni sebab nak bercakap kepada dunia bukan orang.."

dia perli? definitely yes. hehe

so.. why am i writing this? my safe answer is, to tell or share with everyone i know about myself or anything that cross my mind, in a way that by not telling them directly. paham ke? seriously saya pon tak berapa paham.hehe

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