Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the mystery of love..

At office when we were all chatting around , suddenly kak su asked edy how old he would be next year.

I interrupted," 25.."

Edy,"eyh 24 la..liza yang 25..eyh dah tua tu 25..kena kawen cepat2.."


usually when people asked me when i will get married, i will answer, "akhir tahun..cuma tahun je tak tau bila.."

brilliant isnt it? muahahaha..

but lately in the office, marriage and love became the main topic when we were chatting to let go some burden of work pressure..

like yesterday, kak su asked me or more like saying that she's wondering how's the feeling of broken heart or in simple word, 'putus cinta' since she were in loved once and get married to his one and only boyfriend..

and like her, only that i'm not married yet, i never experienced 'putus cinta'..but the feeling of being rejected because another person doesnt know the feelings, who doesnt experience it right..hehe

so both of us interviewed everyone in the office how's the feeling..eceh interviewed..budget pengacara ke apa..hehe

Person 1 ," saya putus cinta relaks je..cam dah putus, putuslah..takde nak meraung2 ke.."

k.su,"tapi dah sayang takkan lah takde sedih ke apa...ni mesti sebab person 1 yang tinggalkan diaorg.."

"sedihlah..cuma takdelah rasa sedih sangat2 ke...aah..banyaknya saya yang putus dengan diaorg.."

my reaction, "patutlah..."

Person 2 , "uih.. dulu kalau putus cinta seminggu menangis..memang seminggu jelah..lepas tu, takde, cari lain..tapi memang seminggu tu, bangun tidur menangis, nak tidur menangis..buat apa2 pon menangis..tapi takdela mandi tak basah makan tak lalu..makan berkali2 jugak..haha"

me," iye? uisyh seminggu je..saya tengok kawan2 sayalah..yang banyaknya putus cinta, memang menangislah..luar nampak happy tapi boleh nampak dia sedih..ada yang sampai sakit2 lah..ada yang fail examlah..ada yang try carik orang lain tapi at the same time mengharap kat bf/gf lamala..macam2lah.."

person 2,"memanglah..lain orang lain dia punya cara sedih tu.."

Person 3 , " saya relax je putus cinta..pastu carik lain..macam dulu saya putus ngan awek lama, esoknya saya couple ngan orang lain..."

k.su," itu memang dah kenal orang lain masa kau dengan gf lama tu..mesti kau yang tinggalkan dia.."

person 3,"eyh takdelah k.su..dia tinggalkan saya sebab nak kawen..tapi kawen 6 bulan je bercerai..orang laki ni putus cinta relax je k.su..takde nak tunjuk2 sangat..nak sedih2 sangat takdela..carik orang lain.."

the 4th person, a guy said the same thing..in addition he said that he still kept his ex-es things and pictures as a memory..but k.arma said that she burn all the things of his ex-es..takde kenangan2 ni..

i asked him,"(his gf's name) tau tak (person 4) simpan gambar ex gf (person 4)?"

person 4"eyh mestilah taktau..mana boleh tau..gambar tu bkn apa..kenangan je.."

me,"habis tu kalau dia simpan gambar ex-bf dia bolehlah ye?"

person 4,"eyh mana boleh.." and he was speechless..

sometimes i just wonder..why some people doesnt want others to do something, but at the same time they did the same thing.. like in person 4 case, kept the picture of his ex but doesnt want his gf to keep the picture of her ex.. when we doesnt want others to do certain things, we have to do the same thing to others to right? what you gave, you get back.. and i always believe that there should be a give and take in relationship.. life and love works in mysterious ways.. eceh2..ayat tak boleh blah..hehehe..

okeih..arini sudah merepek dengan panjangnya..marilah tidur..esok keje..haih..


when I started to miss someone I usually do something that reminds me of him/her such as reading the old text from him/her or go through the pictures of him/her..

is it normal? or abnormal...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When we like the opposites so much we always wanted to know everything about him/her.

His/her birthday. His/her thought about anything. His/Her favourite colours, place, etc etc..

We are also tend to think about him/her everytime and everywhere we go..

When we do it silently, we are called secret admirer..

But when we do it openly, which intend to make that person acknowledged us but instead started to irritate that person, we are called stalker..

And who likes stalker? we all hate stalker..i hate stalker..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

to have someone who understand you, who you can say the other half of you..

who you can be yourself when they around you..who accept evrything good and bad about you..

who you're comfortable with everytime you talked or surround them..

are nice (^_^)

Saturday, December 19, 2009


We have came to the end of year 2009..another 2 weeks, we're going to the new year, 2010. Sometimes it makes me keep thinking how fast time were moving.

I still remember the day I went to school to get spm result...the day i got offer from uitm to pursue study in accountancy..the day i met wonderful friends..

I still remember the day when i stop doing anything after diploma and just sitting around at home for almost a year..

I still remember the day when i went to melaka to starts new life..and the day i got my degree and starts working..

Sometimes life goes on too fast that i cant even notice..For all i know i might be 40..if only i could stop life from moving on..but i guess that's life..i cant stop anything from happening but i could pray for everything will went ok..

it's hard sometimes to be someone who overthinking..haih..

i'm happy (^_^)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

When we are thinking about bad things about others, we tend to curse them or at least saying bad things about them inside our head.

But when we thought it over a night, we keep questioning ourself, when we think about bad things about others, like thinking others are sluts or whatsoever for doing things she did, doesnt it makes us just like her/them? i mean for not thinking that maybe she/they have a solid reason for doing things she/they did..

ok..apa saya merepek ni..abaikan..hehe
when you didnt express your feelings through words doesnt mean you dont feel it isnt it..

but how to express through words when there's a lot of things that you were thinking and feel..

i wish i knew the answers..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

interesting knowledge to be shared

I copy these from some articles from http://iluvislam.com. Interesting to be be shared. Sharing is caring..hehe

Surah An-nisa,ayat 31:
"Jika kamu menjauhkan dosa-dosa besar yang dilarang kamu melakukannya, Kami akan ampunkan kesalahan-kesalahan (dosa kecil) kamu dan kami akan masukkan kamu ke tempat yang mulia (Syurga)."

[An-Nur: 26]
Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula). Mereka (yang dituduh) itu bersih dari apa yang dituduhkan oleh mereka (yang menuduh itu). Bagi mereka ampunan dan rezki yang mulia (surga)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sometimes we broke other's heart without intention and cant help of feeling guilty especially when that person keep braging or keep telling everyone he/she's hurt in a way that not everyone knows the meaning..

I always believe in a quote," what you gave, you get back". if you hurt others, or messing around with other's heart, someday others would do the same to you..but what if you done it without purpose? Will you get what you gave? haih...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

charity works..

As been told before, I went to RACTAR last friday..it was a tiring, fun and educational trip..Being there with the unfortunate kids makes me realise how lucky i am..

Dr Nafsiah, one of their guardians was a lecturer for my bos and my audit senior..what a small world..She met her former students in different ways..
Masa ucapan, dia cakap yang banyak rumah disediakan untuk anak-anak yatim tapi tak banyak rumah yang terima anak-anak terbiar dan miskin. RACTAR dibina untuk semua anak-anak yatim, miskin dan terbiar..and kebanyakan yang ada dalam RACTAR tu anak-anak terbiar.. bila parents bercerai, anak-anak tak ada tempat bergantung..ada yang kahwin lain tapi anak yang dah ada tak diendahkan.

Masa dekat sana, ada lebih kurang 30 orang anak-anak ractar yang ada so they were divided to 5 groups. One group ada dalam 6 orang. 5 out of 6 kids in my group has either mother or father and their parents were separated. This one girl i interviewed, she said that their parents were separated and she didnt know where her dad goes. So there she was. She had been living there for 4 years and she's 16 now..seeing her, knowing her story really touch my heart. She has other siblings who already worked but they leave her there.

They looked so happy yet they have so many sad stories. These were some of the stories being told by them to us..These were being told by Kak Arma and Kak Su since we from different groups..

Kisah 1

"Mak dengan ayah ada lagi?"
"Ayah dah meninggal.."
"akak tanya ni kalau tak boleh jawab takpe, meninggal kenapa?"

"kena langgar lori.."

Kisah 2-dengan bdk 4 or 5 thn

"adik kat sini ada siapa2 kat rumah tak?"

"ada mak"

"ayah dalam penjara. dia hisap dadah"

"sapa cakap?"


These were some of many stories of their life. Hearing their stories really makes me feel like i'm living in a quite different world with theirs..and it makes me so grateful knowing how fortunate i am for having a happy life with my family always stand besides me on my ups and down of life..
with my groups..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

have you ever had a hunch that something bad would happen?

or have you ever had a bad feelings and you dont know how to get rid of it..

how to get over it?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


orang cakap..bukan saya cakap..

kalau kita nak orang percaya kita, kita kena percaya orang tu dulu..

tapi macamana nak percaya orang 100% zaman sekarang ni? susah kan..bila baca paper bapak rogol anak sendiri sampai mengandung, tak ke buat kita terpikir..kalau bapak sendiri pon kita tak boleh percaya, orang lain apantah lagi..

tapi saya percaya, buat baik dibalas baik..jadi kalau kita percaya orang, mungkin orang akan percaya kita..

erm..tapi saya pernah kena tegur dengan manager kat ofis sebab pernah one day masa keluar dengan dia nak pergi makan, ada sorang cina ni tiba2 tegur nak mintak tolong..he said that his car was out of gas and he left his wallet. so he asked me for rm10 as a favor..

he said he will pay me back..my reaction? erm..what was on my mind that time was if i'm in his position i would like for someone to help me too..and it just rm10 so i gave him the money and asked for my number to pay me back.

what happen after that was, he call me the next day to pay me back but on top of that, he told me that he has some business opportunity and asked if i'm interested. i said no and he said that he's somewhere around mydin to pay me back. i told him that it's ok..it just rm10 so he no need to pay me back but he insist to pay me back..as it was in the morning, i told him that i couldnt go there..i could meet him around lunch hour..so what happen was, when i reached there, i texted him. and he said that he already left and he will pay me back next time..

so, after what happen, my manager told me not to trust people easily..people could just go to you, asked for money. and he might be a thief or whatsoever..yelah, zaman sekarang kan banyak kes..ada pukau la apalah..macam-macam kan..she said it's not the matters of money but it is about our safety too..i guess it's true but i just couldnt help for feeling sorry when people asked for help..macam bila ada budak2 mintak derma..or kat kedai2 makan ada orang datang mintak derma untuk orang-orang susah, kadang2 kita jadi sangat sceptical kan..orang ni betul ke or dari sindiket penipuan..kadang-kadang bagi je sebab malas nak argue..and kadang-kadang tu cakap taknak and buat taktau tapi deep down tetap rasa bersalah..what if, orang tu betul2 mintak derma untuk orang yang memerlukan?

jadi, macamana nak detect..orang macamana boleh dipercayai..and orang macamana tak boleh dipercayai? takkan kita nak percaya orang based on their appearance..sebab perompak pon boleh pakai serban and nampak macam orang alim and baik2..and tak semua orang yang pakai rugged2, seluar koyak sana sini atas nama fesyen tak boleh dipercayai..so under what ground do we judge whether certain person could be trust and certain we shouldnt trust them?