Sunday, October 25, 2009

i love to daydreaming when i have time..

you know, thinking about your future..what's going to happen next in your life..etc etc..

last week on my convocation, i thought it might be the last time of seeing everyone in my batch as all of us move on to the next phase of life, that is working life..

the same feeling i had when i left my diploma friends..

we had our own journey..some we contact until we get old, some were not..

i guess life is quite a journey.. sometimes it might be a beautiful journey, sometimes not..

the point is, people come and go in your life..

i wish everything would stay the same..

but that's life isnt it..

people come and go in our life..haih..


diFa said...

yurp, ppl come n go.. sedey kan.sape sangka kadang2 org yg rapat ngan kite pun boleh pg mcm tu je.. maksud aku pg jauh n xrapat bkn meninggal.hehehe :P

azliza said...

aku pon ckp bnda samala dfa
pegi jauh bkn meninggal..
hehe..kau ni ok x?
pelik sket..selalu kau ceria mcm kanak2 ribena..aku yg gloomy..hehe