Wednesday, October 28, 2009

entry perasan sendiri..hehe

erm last week was quite a hectic week for me..i went to kuala kubu to present some account for this one super wealthy client..he's in construction business so what do you expect kan..mestila duit ribu riban dalam bank..hehe..

he's also active in politic and is doing some research on how people in certain range of age react on i'm not quite a fan in politics so i just let my senior answer his question sambil berangan bilelah meeting ni nak habis..ngantuk ni..sengal kn..dalam meeting pon boleh berangan dapat bantal and tilam yang super selesa untuk tidur..hehe..

so..habis meeting, on the way back to office, i slept in the car..muahahaha..

in the evening while chatting and everything, the bos asked me how's the meeting with the client..i told her everything was fine..and my senior said that the client ask us about the politic question..ok, turn out my bos and the client ade different opinion on which party they support..

jadi lagi sekali..dengar je apa bos nk cakap..then she said,"silap kalau die cakap ngan akak ni..silap2 nanti tarik company taknak buat account dengan kite dah.."

then she said to me," kau cakap apa?"

me,"takde pape..saya senyap je biar nizar cakap.."

my bos," dia mestila nak cakap pasal umno tu..muka kau pon macam puteri umno.."

me? puteri umno? heh...surely la gelak besar..and answer," saya tak minat politic la akak.."

kak arma manager secretary pon agree, die cakap my face ada sikit macam puteri umno and when she said that, my bos added," muka kau ni pon ade dalam tv tu..ala ada yang cerita apa tu, akak tak ingat tapi ada tu..yang untuk model2 camtu.."

ok, what? model? gile sengal ok..haha..

tak tahan betul..

model mana ade jerawat and bekas2 jerawat macam saya..model mana ade yang banyak babat macam saya..model kan cantik and cute..eyh tapi cute tu mungkin ada..muahahahaha (dah perasan sendiri kejap..hahaha)

p/s: difa, kau baca entry ni mesti rasa cam menyesal baca kan..hahaha

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