Monday, August 31, 2009


Kadang-kadang saya terpikir..

perangai manusia ni kadang-kadang pelik-pelik kan..

bila tengok seorang anak mintak balik duit yang dipinjam kepada ibunya dari ibunya sendiri, kite mengucap panjang..

kite mula cerita-cerita dekat orang lain..kalau nak dijadikan landasan untuk kita so that kita tak buat benda sama, it's ok..

tapi kalau kite mula kutuk anak tu, bukan ke kite dah berdosa sebab mengumpat orang?

tapi susah kan nak elak dari tak bercerita pasal orang lain..

lagi satu, kadang saya terpikir..

kalau ada orang ni tak pernah tinggal sembahyang, hari-hari pergi masjid/surau.. hari-hari try improvekan diri dari segi agama..hari-hari try sebaik mungkin belajar tajwid so that dapat mengaji dengan betul..

tapi.. dalam masa yang sama, kutuk/mengata orang lain, or questioned kenapa mak yang duduk rumah je, tapi anak tak terjaga sebab anak dia tak reti mengaji..

saya rasa cara orang tu salah..nak salahkan ibu mengandung sebab anak tak pandai mengaji? kalau ibu dah ajar, dan anak tu dah besar, bukan ke anak tu pon bertanggungjawab nak cari jalan yang betul untuk diri sendiri?

susah betul kan nak jadi hamba Allah yang tawadduk. banyak ilmu di dada tapi tak pernah nak condemn orang lain sebab tak tau pasal certain2 things..

kalau pandai macamana pon, walau ilmu agama penuh di dada pon tapi kalau orang tu keep saying dengan niat memerli or bangga diri,"benda simple pon tak tau..macamana ni.." dekat orang yang tak tau, tak gune kan macam tu. bukan ke lebih baik dia ajar pada yang jahil?

kadang-kadang kita terbuat dosa tanpa sedar kan.. haih..


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Orang cakap..

Orang cakap..

bila kita sering terpikirkan seseorang tu..

samaada die sihat ke..dah makan ke..apa die buat.. die teringatkan kita jugak ke..

maknanya kita rindu kat orang tu..

bila kite rindu orang tu, maknanya kita ambil berat pasal orang tu..

bila kite ambil berat pasal orang tu, maknanya kite dah sayang orang tu..

orang cakaplah..

tapi macamana nak tau apa orang cakap tu betul?

macamana kalau kita memang jenis macam tu?

jenis berpikir sepanjang masa..and orang yang kita pikirkan bukan sorang tapi lebih dari sorang..

takkan kita jatuh cinta dengan lebih dari sorang kot?


Saturday, August 29, 2009

I found this article while browsing some stuff and i find it quite interesting..
I went to uitm shah alam today..

being in the uitm brings back a memory when i'm a student back then.

seeing students walking around the campus reminds when i'm a student there long time ago..

they were wearing a matrix card. things i never do. tak rockla pakai matrix card kan. besides dulu pak guard tak tengok sangat pon matrix card..hehe

hurm..uitm shah where i obtain a diploma..

place where i met new interesting people who still be part of me..

place where i learn that success doesnt always comes to us when we dont fight for it..

place where i learn that doesnt mean if we get good grades in spm we will obtain the same grades in university

place where i grow older..

i might said bad things about uitm because of its system but still, i will never forget it as it was place where i obtain knowledge..

i really miss those days..days in uitm shah alam where all of us were goofing around..

where all in the class were united and nothing separates us..

kepada mereka2..

This entry dedicated to everyone who are in the final semester, especially difa, sharil, hadi, li and semualah.(nak list semua nama takut tertinggal so nama yang tak disebut ada dalam 'semualah'. hehe)

All the best for finals..semoga tabah menghadapi liku-liku sebagai final part student yang setiap hari, setiap minggu penuh dengan assignment nak kena hantar..dengan test yang tak berhenti..weekend yang ada pon macam takde sebab kena siapkan assignment yang tak henti2 sampailah final..

memahami keadaan korang (difa and sharil)..kalau satu paper je dah ada 3 pbl. kalau 7/6 subject... wooo~~~ banyaknya.. (do your own calculation..hehe)

if i'm the lazy one can do it, you can do it too.. chayo2~~~~ (^_^)

Between working and not working..

This event happened a week before i start working which means a long time ago..but it still remains in my mind..hurm..

A week before i start working, my friend and i went to ex-schoolmate's house to learn how to bake cheese cake.

So this conversation occur during the baking process..diubahsuai mengikut ingatan saya..hehe

"Az buat apa ye sekarang?"

"Isnin ni baru start keje..sya?"

"Sya ambik tengah ambik 2 paper..tak sedar diri dah tua..hehe"

"haha..taklah least sya dah pernah kerja kan. az nak sambung belajar gak tapi nanti..kerja dulu least ada pengalaman. tapi belum start kerja az dah malas ni..susah2 sangat nanti cari datuk mana2 kawen dok rumah jaga anak..hahaha.."

well, excuse untuk tak kerja selain belajar is kawen kan..haha..

"haha..habis tu susah payah belajar degree buat apa?"

me, terdiam sekejap, "takpe, boleh gantung degree buat perhiasan kat dinding..haha"

hurm..but seriously, people keep saying that once you get a degree, you have to work successfully, have a great job with a great salary and as if got married and not working such a waste of getting a degree..hurm..

I get it that some people have bigger obligation as they are the oldest in siblings or whatsoever so they have to work. But i dont get it why do we have to questioned others' opinion. different people different opinion isnt it? hehe

So, after baking, niza and i were talking in the car about the conversation between me and sya. she did not listened as she was doing something else. Then she asked me, "awk rasalah, salah ke kalau kite lebih suka duduk rumah bile dah kawen dari kerja. i mean is it wrong for us to want to be happy rather than not being happy and earn great money?" (macam biasa conversation diubahsuai ikut ingatan..lebih kurang jela..hehe)

"Samalah's better to earn small money or nothing at all for doing something we love rather than we suffer to earn big money kan..but for some people kalau dah ada degree, kenalah kerja best2..cari kerja yang dapat banyak duit. orang cakap buat apa belajar tinggi2 kalau niat tu tak mau kerja yg best2 lepas tu. it's like its totally wrong for having a degree but not working..
but kerja sampai 2-3 pagi, hari2 suffer, especially doing something that you hate, erm, buat apa..cari penyakit je. lebih baik duduk rumah happy2 dah kawen masak untuk family jaga anak. orang cakap salah, tapi tak semestinya salah kan. so the best thing is to ignore apa orang lain cakap..hehe"

"betul2..samalah kite fikir..baik duduk rumah masak untuk family dari kerja suffer je kan.."

"ya betul.."

Kesimpulannya, lu pikirla sendiri..(pinjam moto nabil jap..)..hahaha

p/s: difa, aku dah update..haha..

Friday, August 21, 2009

Selamat berpuasa

Fasting month starts tomorrow..

working hours starts at 8am until 4pm without break..

bukanlah takde break langsung..cuma, break tu masa untuk tadarus..

actually, i just want to wish all of you,

Selamat berpuasa..jangan ponteng puasa kecuali kepada mereka yang terpaksa tidak berpuasa..hehe

Thursday, August 20, 2009

besok jumaat, people..yippie!!!

the day after tomorrow is saturday..cuti!!!!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

menulis tanpa motif

My brother come home today because he wanted to get his books and borrow my dad's car.

As usual, he loves to kacau me. bile balik, he silently stand besides me and me? of coursela terkejut and marah-marah sayang die..hehe..he said, bile lagi nak kacau adik? yeah, my adik call me adik. ada sejarah disebaliknya. hehe..

He just went back to melaka and before he left, as usual lagi, semua orang keluar rumah nak hantar anak/adik kesayangan sampai kereta. Orang lain dah dekat luar tunggu dia, saya baru terhegeh-hegeh nak keluar. He forgot something so he come inside and perjalanan saya tergendala kejap so berdiri kejap kat pintu. Sebelum pegi dekat kereta, die usap-usap kepala saya ala, macam ayah-ayah usap kepala anak dia kat tadika..and me? biasalah, buat-buat bising padahal suke gile sebab rasa macam kanak-kanak tadika yang disayangi..hahaha..

Actually, he did that to me sometimes and i did the same to him..only when he shaved his head lah..sebab rasa usap orang takde rambut sangat bes..rasa tajam-tajam kat tangan..hehe..yelah, bila rambut dah panjang, mana boleh kacau.dah sikat elok-elok. pacak-pacak macam dragon ball kalau kacau mesti kena marah.

okey, apakah motif cerita hari ini sebenarnya? hehe

Well, actually, i wanted to talk about his friend who went home with him. His friend, Ahad (bukan isnin ataupun selasa.hehe) once told him (dialog ikut sedap sayalah..hehe), "weh, bila aku tengok kakak kau (my elder sister) ngan mak kau macam tak sama betul ngan kau...". yelah, he expect my brother's mother and sister's style will looks like him, i mean free hair ke..modern-modern short, dia cakap adik saya macam nakal-nakal type yang tak sangka ada kakak and mak baik macam tu. tapi....

jeng jeng jeng..hehe

Tapi...Ahad ni cakap lagi..,"tapi tengok kakak kau (me) lagi sorang, baru nampak persamaan sikit.." meaning? Dia cakap saya ni nakal-nakal type macam adik saya. ces ces ces..hehehe

Tak sempat nak gurau-gurau dengan ahad ni. tunggulah die datang lagi. mesti menyesal, eh tak tak, mesti gembira bertemu dengan kakak kawan die yang die kata nakal-nakal type ni. mesti dia akan tukar statement die," akak kau yang aku cakap nakal-nakal type ni sebenarnya baiklah..aku salah dulu.."


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

thinking deeply..hehe

Kadang-kadang saya terpikir..bile akan sampai waktunya saya sangat gembira nak pegi keje?

Setiap kali hari isnin akan jadi sangat excited nak pegi keje..or..setiap kali hari jumaat, akan sedih sebab cuti hari sabtu & ahad..

bile..bilela nak rasa macam tu..maybe when i'm doing something i really love kot..maybe..


meneruskan rutin harian..bila hari ahad je dah sedih sebab kena keje hari isnin..bile jumaat je, gembira sebab sabtu cuti..pagi jumaat, dah siap counting hours nak habis keje. hari2 biasa? counting days nak hari jumaat..hehehehe

rasa macam nak sambung belajar..sebab bile belajar ada excuse untuk tak keje..hehe..but nak ambik apa ye?

master forensic accounting or mba?




Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sembunyi macam ostrich

My mood was quite swingy yesterday and i felt so damn tired after work.

before i went to bed, usually i will go to my mom's room to kacau2 her. my sister was there too. while my mother and i were talking, she was busy digging her clothes from basket with her head inside the basket.

when i look at her, her action reminds me of ostrich. ala, burung yang kepala panjang and bile nak sembunyi dari musuh die tanam kepala dalam tanah. macamla xnampak badan die yang besar tu..hehe

so, what i did is that, well it is a reflex action tau, i push her head into the basket. nak tengok sedalam mana leh pegi macam ala-ala ostrich tu..hahaha~~

well, my reflex action makes all of us laughed. mata yang sudah sepet kerana sangat mengantuk menjadi lagi sepet kerana gelak tanpa henti..hehehe..

then my mother cerita another story yang buat kami lagi rasa nak gelak berdekah-dekah..(see what i'm trying to do here, i try to write in bahasa since i 'm not good writing in bahasa, i mean formal way, bukan bahasa pasar.hehe..)..

she told us that its either me or my adik, masa kecik2 dulu bile main sembunyi2, cakap, sembunyi2 and then use bantal to cover the face. face only..badan x..hehe.. macamlah orang xnampak badan tu kalau cari.. konon2 tutp muka, kite xnampak orang, orang pon xnampak kte..macam ostrich la..hehehehe..

ok, it's 1158pm..gile la..never slept this late since i've been working for a week and 2 days..esok kena keje..haih~~

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I hate when someone asked you not to do some stuff but they did it too..macam cakap tak serupa bikin. hate it.. really hopefully i wont do the same things.

i believed that when we didnt do things that annoys us to others, others wont do the same thing to us.. and what we gave we get back.. it just a matters of time..haih~~~

Friday, August 7, 2009

hectic week

Last week was the first week i start working. It was not bad for the first week..Hectic but was not bad.

First day, the senior staff handover taxation task to me..after finishing all the computation, fill in form C & R, the other senior staff handover audit job to be amend. he said, "baru 1st day dah byk keje..dah pening..haha"..ces, he laughed at me..hehe

Second day was quite boring since i didn't have the secretarial manager ask me to do audit reminder. erm..boring and tiring since i have to check the secretarial file one by one and calculate the date of last filing annual return, bla, bla n bla..hehehe

I overcome things i didnt overcome when i'm practical. Usually when i'm doing out field job, i will be accompanied by staff but last wednesday i have to go to SSM by my own..quite frightening at first.

Since i have no sense of direction, of course i got lost in shah alam. Nama je budak subang tapi shah alam pon boleh sesat.besides, i'm a former student in uitm shah alam. macamnantah still xingat jalan..hehe..then, when i enter the parking lot in Plaza Alam Sentral, i got lost again..i dunno where to go. So with a big courage (cewah, courage konon), i just wondering around in PAS..finally when i reached SSM, there's one staff call me and said that he wanted to pass some document for me to bring back to office. So i feel relieved a bit..i asked him how to go to idaman counter, ctc express and whatsoever..he taught me the procedure and then he left.

When it's my turn to filing the document, there's some problem since the date is late. the company has to be compound so i call my manager. She asked me to talk slowly with the officer. So i did but still, the document cannot be processed. then, there's some document that have been adjusted to be filed again. and i have to go and see a big officer there since i need the document immediately..the officer asked me to come later after lunch. So a big relieve again, i dont have to go to idaman counter to find the company's information. fuh..lega den..hehe

After finished everthing in SSM, i need to go to KWSP to register. again, i got lost..duh..finally when i reached KWSP, the queue is quite long so what should i do other than daydreaming kan. hehe..and guess what, i miss my turn..gile sengal boleh daydreaming sampai macam tu..hehe.. then, my next destination is to make payment for my bos. again, i dont know where to belasah je pusing2 rupa-rupanya kena naik tingkat 2 je..hehe

my last destination is to deposit cheque at cimb..since i dont know how to go to cimb taipan, i went to wisma consplant. again, i'm making mistake at cimb..nak deposit cheque pon boleh salah..memang sengal ari tu..hehe

after my last destination, i went back to office. terasa sangat penat.hehe..

on thursday and friday, nothing much..i still have to finished up the audit reminder and on friday, the senior staff asked me to help him in statutory audit and fill in the taxation forms..

things i like with this ofice is that, working hours started at 830 and finished at 5pm.. 5pm people..hehe..but break has been cut down to 45minutes..but i dont care..5pm is enough to make me happy..hehehe..

today is saturday..yippie~~~~~~berehat sebentar bersama kitkat.hehe

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

is it really true?

since i'm working right now, i will have the same routine, morning, wake up early and went to work, go back to home, stuck in traffic i usually listen to hot fm or hitz..

yesterday, their topic is about 'putus harapan' lady call and said that she's been dumped when she have to travel to study..she said she love her ex so much and they'd been happy before she got the offer to continue her studies..

the dj wanted to console her and said that he left him to study (dj ni salah dengar...). when she corrected him, the dj said,"saya ada satu tips untuk awak.."

"kalau nak cari bf, biar lelaki tu yang sayang awak lebih dari awak sayang die.."

dunno the meaning of what he'd said but, i've heard the exact word from my friend..she said that it is better for a man to love us (girl) more than we do at first because girl's feeling towards the man she loves could be develop but it's hard to develop a man's feeling towards the girl that loves him.. it really true?