Monday, June 4, 2012

Mix feelings

Lately, im thinking about my life in the future. I'll be moving to johor to be with my husband. I feel excited and scared at the same time. Im excited that i'll finally will start life with my husband, build our home together and make our own decision but scared that i'll leave my entire life here, in subang. I have been in subang my whole life. My family and friends were all here. I have no one in johor except my husband. So ya, i'm scared. My life would be bored if my husband went to work. He didnt work normal hours like others. Pegi pagi, balik malam. So he'll be tired. Dah susah nak ajak keluar jalan-jalan. hehe.

But i guess, there's always a beggining in everything we do. I remember the day I took driving classes. Getting the license. I'm scared but i want to have license so that i can drive anywhere, anytime i want. So i did it. I guess this situation would be the same. Scared to start over but everthing will turn out fine. (am motivate myself-i can do it).

So johor, please..please be nice to me.. Please be the place i would love and comfortable to be besides my hometown, subang. hehe. And en suami, please be understanding if I'm cranky at times when im in johor. I'll be leaving subang, the place i live my entire life for u. Hehehe

Cakap-cakap ni macam esok je nak pindah. Padahal rumah pon tak start renovate lagi. hehe

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