Thursday, June 21, 2012

Makanan johor

I went to Johor Bahru last thursday for a business matching that organized by MITI. Being there, meeting with a several of people make me learned more on human behaviour. Eceh macam phyciatrictrist pulak. But seriously, meeting others changde my perspective in so many things. Some introduced me their product, what it is and everything but some show me how they try to change the world with their product. Either way, this is not the story i wanted to tell.

I sat with some VIPs while having breakfast. I think he's from one of the department that gave loan to bumiputera to start their business. He told that some people who took loan from them were fine but there's some that his staff encounter where when they went to asked for repayment, they show their gun and whatsoever. My reaction? Gilos. Dah pinjam duit orang, kalau tak boleh bayar, mintaklah masa. Tak payahla ugut-ugut tunjuk pistol, parang segala.

But the main story is not that.. hehe. While talking with him, he asked where we came from. My sister and I answer, subang. He said that he has cousin who lives in subang. He said that he often travel to KL and so on. And he said, " Tak tau kenapa tapi pergi mana-mana, makan tu macam susah nak terima. Walaupon masak lauk sama ke apa, tapi agaknya sebab saya orang johor, tekak dah biasa makan masakan johor and orang johor masak, rasa lain je.. Kalau nak rasa sama, makan kedai mamak kat sini, then compare kat sana, memang samalah.. Kalau tak, macam rasa tak sama je makan kat KL dengan kat sini.."

My answer, "aah paham2, suami saya orang johor pon macam tu..." haha

Tapi betul lah, bila saya makan kat johor especially area2 kampung encik suami, memang sedap. Mungkin sebab ada makanan yang takde kat sini. Macam masak lemak pecel, sambal godok, etc2. Tapi mungkin sebab orang johor pandai masak. Bila balik kampung or makan kat rumah kakak ipar, saya memang makan banyak. Sebab kakak ipar saya pandai masak. Haha bodek je lebih. Tapi betul... Haih...terasa nak makan nasi ambeng.. Tak tercapai lagi hajat..Takpe2, encik suami akan dikerah cari nasi ambeng..hehehehe

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