Monday, April 30, 2012

Weighing machine

I went out today with my mother and sister. We went out to PKNS and SACC to buy some stuff. There, I saw something that makes me remind the funny part of my life that I shared with my husband. I guess when someone you love were apart from you (his currently work offshore), you tend to find every single things that could remind you of him/her.

Can someone guess what kind of things that I saw?

It was... weighing machine..haha.. Not the simple one yang boleh timbang berat tu, yang boleh ukur tinggi sekali tu..

I still remember that day where my husband and I went to Plaza Alam Sentral to look for my engagement dress as at that moment we were not hitched yet.

He saw the machine and spontaneously said something like this, "Kalau bb naik ni and kalau machine tu boleh cakap, dia cakap, 'Naik sorang-sorang, jangan naik ramai-ramai.." And he laughed so hard.

 I know he's joking but at that moment, I wanted to get even so I spontaneously and jokingly said, "Ala, kalau abg naik, machine ni cakap, 'Berdiri, jangan duduk..." And he laughed even harder. We both laughed so hard that people pass by were looking at us with the looks, 'Gila ke apa diorang ni..' hahaha

I said to him, that if we didnt know each other, mesti dua-dua dah kecik hati. Nasib baik dah kenal yang masing-masing suka buat lawak and kenakan each other.. Haih.. seriously missing the beautiful moment with my beloved husband...

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