Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today is always better than yesterday

Betul lah orang cakap..masa memang boleh sembuhkan luka (luar n dalam). i dont really feel so lost and empty like before. The pain is still there. Only that i feel much better now. I do feel stomach ache occasionally especially when i have to climb stairs but i think i'm ok.

I used to think that i am too fortunate to be part of my family. To have life i had before anything happened. I didnt have much problem only crisis with myself (which is silly i.e to know what i really want to do in life). When i'm still young, looking at my friends who having family issue or other problems that could include anything, i feel fortunate and grateful and sometimes i feel envy because problems they were facing makes them mature more than i am. Now, i realize that i'm so stupid at that time.

Allah has their plan ahead for us. I do realize it that now. Facing what i am facing right now, having to know that i may have severe problems more than miscarriage makes me realize that. But i know, Allah will be there for me. My husband, my family will be besides me all the time. And i always could rely on surah al-baqarah ayat 286, "Allah takkan membebani seseorang melainkan dengan kesanggupannya......."

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