Saturday, January 9, 2010

weird dreams

I had a nap since today is not a working day..konon2 qada' tidurlah i had a strange dreams..taklah pelik tahap mimpi alien ke apa kan..tapi peliklah..

I was at the office and my office was on the 2nd floor. My colleagues and i were looking down through the window since every car parked on the parking space were being damage by someone and luckily i'm not drving my car to the office..semua kereta tu remuk and pecah tingkap and seems like being purposely damaged..

since i didnt bring my car to the office, my dad fetch me and when we reached home, i saw my car's door were being stolen..satu je..pintu driver..macam patah ke or orang patahkan ke..but when i asked my father or anyone at home, no one answer me..they tried to avoid m..then i woke up..pelik kan mimpi.. well mimpi mainan tidur kan..but still..pelik btul..


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