Saturday, January 30, 2010

First stage, checked..

more stages to go..haiyok~~ takutnya..

Monday, January 18, 2010

People who works in audit firm especially the auditors know what does life means during the peak period that is, life=work, work, work..or for me, no life and leisure time period..

And this morning my boss gives instruction to do some ot job since there's about 60 plus company to be audited, excluded the accounting part and there's only four of us that in charge in auditing and accounting. Hopefully no life period starts next week..

Mari bersilat~~ haiyak..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

'geli' entry

**Entri ini mungkin akan mengelikan sesetengah pihak. Tak payah baca kalau anda seorang yang tak tahan geli..haha**

Jadi orang sengal ni kadang-kadang banyak benda sengal yang tak pernah disuruh orang, orang akan suruh kita buat..

Ada orang mintak tolong korekkan hidung? yeah pernah..hahaha

Cabutkan bulu ketiak? yeah, saya yang request since mintak tolong korekkan hidung kan..tapi tak buat betul2 la..cuma jawab balik yang di suruh tu..hahaha

ok, tadi, masa tunggu makanan sampai masa lunch, one of my colleague asked me,(sambil kembangkan hidung dan dongak kepala bagi nampakkan lubang hidung),

"liza, tolong tengok ada hingus lagi tak?"


hahaha..bengong kan..

Monday, January 11, 2010

To have plans with a person you wanted to spend your whole life with is nice..

wawawawawa (^_^)..haha

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Kadang-kadang tu bila kita tak tau nak buat apa dalam hidup ni, kita ikut flow je. I'm like that. Bila dah tak tau apa yang saya nak buat, ikut flow je. I'm indecisive person..kalau tak, takkanlah sampai pernah duduk rumah sampai setahun lepas diploma. Duduk rumah kumpul lemak-lemak badan.. Tolong mak buat kerja dia kejap-kejap je. Lepas tu pergi uitm tolong sife jaga uchill bila khidmat diperlukan..

Seronok jugak masa tu..tak buat apa. Tapi lama-lama rasa macam sampah masyarakat...Yelah duduk rumah tak buat apa-apa. Tak belajar. Tak kerja..yang push me to further study is of course lah my family kan. Risau tengok anak dia tak tentu arah macam sampah masyarakat. So bila dapat further study in degree at melaka rasa macam, woh macam rasa Allah dah plan something for me. Kalau tak, takkan dapat belajar deg in accountancy lagi. I mean, accountancy lagi, yang jadi nightmare masa diploma.. haih haih. So i just go on with the flow..Ok belajar jelah. Pass pon ok. At least dapat degree kan..

I still remember how struggled i am masa first semester. Rasa macam-macam. Rasa nak quit. Rasa macam kena teruskan sebab takkan nak buat my parents risau lagi kan.. And i remember that i promised myself that if i fail any papers, even one paper during the first semester, i am going to quit degree. No compromise like i did during diploma year. But turn out i pass all the papers. Eventhough i cant be proud with my result, i did pass the killer paper, barely pass la kan. But still..if almost half of the batch fail the killer subject and i passed, it's like a sign for me to continue studies. So i continue studies and during all the degree phase, i passed all the killer subject that being told as a nightmare to all student as many students fail on that particular subject..

And out of every subject in degree phase, i passed all except one. For me, eventhough i could done better, i just dont care anymore. And to be honest, bila dah selalu sangat rasa jadi loser, jadi loser lagi dah tak rasa apa dah.Dah tak sedih, hati dah mati nak rasa sedih..So now, i've got my certificate..Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons)..And i'm working in a very small audit firm. I'm doing every kind of job given to me. Auditing, tax, account, secretary, admin..And what if the client knows that a person who doing their company tax once had failed the subject..gila kan..

Dulu masa final semester when most of my friends were looking for jobs eventhough we're not finished yet, i just sit back and relax..I mean, i dont want to work in accounting field but yet i got offered in that field and i just grabbed it as until now i couldnt decide what i want to do in life.

I still remember when all the final student has to go to some lame activity, 'program kepimpinan pelajar'..When the lecturer asked each and everyone of us to tell everyone what's our plan next after finished our degree, half of us said they wanted to do business as accounting is not their passion. And some said they wanted to be an auditor..And me? i told everyone that i'm going to a course..Baking cakes or baking..buns or anything and try to earn money from that as baking cakes makes me happy..

Most of my friends did know my plan and they support me but the problem now is still me.. i'm indecisive. I doubt with myself. Do i really want to go into food industry. Yelah, mana tak doubt dengan diri sendiri kalau 3 kali buat kek yang sama, 3-3 kali rasa dia lain-lain kan..

Now? i'm thinking about everything.. About how nice it feels when i'm looking forward to go to work..As for now i'm going to work as my obligation to do something in life.. haih..haih..haih..

love and fart..hehe

"cinta ibarat kentut..tak lepaskan terseksa..nak luahkan malu.."

lawak kan perumpaan ni..tapi macam betul..haha takleh tahan..hehe

weird dreams

I had a nap since today is not a working day..konon2 qada' tidurlah i had a strange dreams..taklah pelik tahap mimpi alien ke apa kan..tapi peliklah..

I was at the office and my office was on the 2nd floor. My colleagues and i were looking down through the window since every car parked on the parking space were being damage by someone and luckily i'm not drving my car to the office..semua kereta tu remuk and pecah tingkap and seems like being purposely damaged..

since i didnt bring my car to the office, my dad fetch me and when we reached home, i saw my car's door were being stolen..satu je..pintu driver..macam patah ke or orang patahkan ke..but when i asked my father or anyone at home, no one answer me..they tried to avoid m..then i woke up..pelik kan mimpi.. well mimpi mainan tidur kan..but still..pelik btul..


Friday, January 8, 2010

burung belatuk

i'm not in a good mood since i'm not feeling well today..

but this one particular joke (some might say stupid joke) really made my day..

i read this in today's kosmo..

"Burung apa yang berhati mulia?..."




"burung belatuk lah.. sebab dia 'bela tuk' dia.."

sengal kan..hehehe..

bengong kan saya..joke macam ni pon boleh ceriakan hidup..hehehe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Doing something that we really love, which is our passion, the long working hours become short and we dont really care any problem we face..

but doing something that is not our passion, we feel like 8 hrs of working without overtime was like a 24 hours of working without any break..

but how to find our own passion? i mean to do something we really's hard isnt it..

haih haih haih..

Monday, January 4, 2010

31/12/2009 & 1/1/2010 = date to be remember..

such a memorable way to end 2009 and start a new year..wee~~~ (^_^)