Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i read or heard this somewhere but i dont know where and when but it captured my heart..

there's no reason for falling in love..

if you love your boyfriend/girlfriend because he's handsome/ she's beautiful, it's not love but lust..

if you love your boyfriend/girlfriend because he's/ she's rich, you're just after their wealth not them..

if you have no solid reason for loving someone yet you're falling for him/her, then that means, you love him/her unconditionally..


hadi said...

btol ke? abes tu cinta pandang pertama cm ner lak?

azliza said...

depends kt interpretation orgla hadi..hehe..kalau cinta pandang pertama kn slalu tgk yg cun2 trus jatuh cnta kn..tu nafsu kn..ade ke kau tgk drama laki tgk pompuan huduh pastu trus jatuh cnta? hehehe..

hadi said...

ish2...ade la...nnt aku tunjuk kt ko drama tu...hehehe

azliza said...

sila2 tunjuk..