Sunday, November 8, 2009

i've been working for about 3 months and there's still a lot to learn..

every day is still a learning process..

especially when dealing with a fussy clients..

there's to many kind of people..

yang akan buatkan kita terpikir,"orang macam ni pon ade ye.."

like this one former officemate angkat telefon and die tak dengar nama that she asked again.."sori, sapa ni?"

and tau tak that person cakap apa..

with a tone that like bragging,"mizan..ala nama macam agong tu...awak takkan tak kenal agong.."

kalau die ok cakap nak melawak2 it's fine..tapi bila cakap in different tone..macam..haih mamat he has some attitude that makes you want to kill yourself rather than dealing with him..

haih..different people...different attitude..different stupidity..

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