Friday, November 20, 2009

'geli' moment..

i love the moment i went out of the office, starts the engine and off to go home sweet home..

the moment i hate is that stuck in front of the summit due to the heavy traffic so i usually use different route..

but everytime i need my entertainment of seeing a 'show', a disgusting one, i usually use the route in front of the summit..

seeing others picking their nose is quite a normal scenery..or eating..or reading a newspaper..or sikat misai..however, yesterday i encounter a new habit..

cabut bulu hidung dalam kereta.. geli? absolutely.. but maybe he also wanted to kill the time while waiting for the police traffic to let us go..

macam-macam ragam orang bila driving kan..hehe

1 comment:

diFa said...

ewww~ xmalunyer org tu.. ko wat pe selaen usha org?hahaha