Monday, April 30, 2012

Weighing machine

I went out today with my mother and sister. We went out to PKNS and SACC to buy some stuff. There, I saw something that makes me remind the funny part of my life that I shared with my husband. I guess when someone you love were apart from you (his currently work offshore), you tend to find every single things that could remind you of him/her.

Can someone guess what kind of things that I saw?

It was... weighing machine..haha.. Not the simple one yang boleh timbang berat tu, yang boleh ukur tinggi sekali tu..

I still remember that day where my husband and I went to Plaza Alam Sentral to look for my engagement dress as at that moment we were not hitched yet.

He saw the machine and spontaneously said something like this, "Kalau bb naik ni and kalau machine tu boleh cakap, dia cakap, 'Naik sorang-sorang, jangan naik ramai-ramai.." And he laughed so hard.

 I know he's joking but at that moment, I wanted to get even so I spontaneously and jokingly said, "Ala, kalau abg naik, machine ni cakap, 'Berdiri, jangan duduk..." And he laughed even harder. We both laughed so hard that people pass by were looking at us with the looks, 'Gila ke apa diorang ni..' hahaha

I said to him, that if we didnt know each other, mesti dua-dua dah kecik hati. Nasib baik dah kenal yang masing-masing suka buat lawak and kenakan each other.. Haih.. seriously missing the beautiful moment with my beloved husband...

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Being a girl..eyh a woman? Mcm tua sangat..Ah it doesnt matter. So i start again..hehe

Being a girl/woman I use hormon as the excuse when i feel angry and sad by sudden. I mean betul kan. Perempuan bila nak datang bulan ke pregnant ke, hormon is all over the place. Jadi tiba-tiba boleh rasa sedih. Tiba-tiba jugak boleh rasa nak marah. Pantang orang buat salah sikit, terus rasa nak marah. Padahal selalunya ok je..

Bila guna excuse ni kat suami, die pernah cakap, "Kesian hormon tu, asyik disalahkan je.." But hey, perempuan-perempuan di luar sana, betul tak, bila kita nak datang bulan or preggy, we cant really control our emotion? Tiba-tiba rasa nak marah, lepas marah, tiba-tiba menyesal, dan tiba-tiba juga boleh menangis. Kadang orang cakap dengan nada keras sikit dah boleh menangis ingat kena marah. haha

Nasib baik ketua keluarga ialah suami. Kalo kita, fuh..keputusan banyak berdasarkan emosi pada waktu itu.. Jadinya, sapa setuju yang suami kena banyak bersabar bila isterinya tengah hormon bercelaru angkat kaki tangan anda..haha

Friday, April 27, 2012

Kenangan manis kau dan aku..

My husband called me at about 2am++ today to let me know that he's going back to kampung for a while as he has to be in jb by 8am.. So we talked.. And when he reached his destination, it was about 3.40am++.   I only realised it at about 630 am as it is my biological clock to get up and pray. So i text him and he call me.

We talked about things and he said he that he was hungry. At that moment, i suddenly remembered the time when we travel the whole day from terengganu to his kampung at about 7pm and reached there at about almost 7am the next day.. Which is approximately 12 hours journey. Ok, maybe i should explain, we were backpacking to kuantan, terengganu and we want to go to cherating but there's emergency in kampung the day we reached terengganu so we headed straight from terengganu to muar. And before reached house, both of us were hungry so we plan to stop at any place to eat. But since it was before 6am, we couldnt find any place that open that early. Suddenly, my husband find a place, so we stop and eat. After a while, we try to find that place again but we cant remember where is it and my husband jokingly said, "jangan kedai bunian sudah.." haha

And you know what, at that moment while talking with my husband, i was thinking about all the sweet memories we have together despite of living separately as husband and wife. I told him that i wanted to eat roti canai pagi2 with him just like we had done. It's not the roti canai i miss. The environment and the moment that i miss. Makan roti canai n minum air kopi pagi2 buta bila langit still gelap and bila habis makan da starting sunrise is the moment i wouldnt trade for anything. It just a simple thing i've done but i cant forget it as i do it with the person i love.

And remembering about 'makan roti canai pagi2' makes me remember every moment i went through with my husband..

The day where he told me he loves me so much at the top of the roof while watching sunset..Haih sangat cair time tu..

Or the day where we finally had our best honeymoon after a year of marriage at langkawi. We didnt go to many place. We just live in that moment. Makan cendol n laksa bawah pokok menghadap best..

Or the moment where both of us were shocked when we order at turki restaurant as the waitress brought 2 big plate of food. Mula2 bawak 2 pinggan kosong which makes both of us puzzled but didnt say anything as taknak orang tu cakap kiteorg jakun. Hahaha. Bila datang makanan, mak aih, ini bukan untuk makan 2 orang..5 orang pon boleh. Patutlah mahal. And guess what, both of us were thinking the same thing but as we were in our honeymoon, he doesnt want money to get into we having fun. The other funny part is that, both of us mana reti makan makanan turki and since they gave us fork and spoon, we use it to eat the food with bread. Roti arab kan ala2 liat so agak susahla nak potong. The waitress saw the difficulties so she said, roti tu makan pakai tangan lagi senang sebab liat kan.. Haha..Nampak sangat jakun tak pernah makan makanan turki padahal dah berlakon konon-konon nampak sangat confident selalu makan makanan tu..Taktau apa waitress tu pikir lagi..hahaha

The same day, he wanted to surprise me with candle light dinner but as i asked him repeatedly where he'd go, he gave up and told me and said that i ruined his surprise. haha sorry sayang. Dah boleh agak sebenarnya..And masa makan tu, perut still penuh sebab makanan turki tu tak hadam lagi. Tapi makan jugak sebab banyak course. And lagi sekali kena tegur masa makan salad dengan tuna. The waitress said," kalau gaul salad tu lagi sedap sebab ada letak olive oil..".. Inilah kalau orang tak reti makan western2 ni cuba makan western..kat hotel lagi..Malu je..haha

Bila terpikirkan kenangan manis macam ni, tiba-tiba teringat pulak lagu jamal abdillah dengan ogy ahmad daud.. "kenangan manis kau dan aku takkan tergugur...duri ranjau dalam bercinta..lumrah dunia....sayang menyayang..cinta dikenang..perasaan menjadi rindu...wooo.." Cuba nyanyi, jangan baca baru feel..haha

I'm just feeling a bit jiwang right now.. But actually,sometimes when there's a moment where we had unsolved problem or some things that makes us feel said or tak puas hati with our spouse, we should stop for a moment to think about all the sweet memories we had with him/ her. And after that, kalau rasa marah jugak, agaknya kita ni hati batu..hahahaha..