Monday, June 21, 2010

My mother told me that my father went to discussed with the company"s auditor just now. Then the auditor asked my father where do I work.

"She"s an auditor too somewhere in usj"

"Owh, is she happy there?"

Okay, soalan tu mesti sebab sekarang kan peak season. Auditor sangat diperlukan di audit firm. My father told him that I'm happy there. Taknak panjangkan cerita takut dia offer kerja kat situ.

Okay, saya bukan nak cerita ni. Saya nak cerita apa yang mak cakap bila ayah beritahu yang saya happy kerja kat existing audit firm.

"Ayah saja cakap nak elak panjang cerita"

me,"yelah mak, sekarang kan tengah peak hour. Semua audit firm nak guna orang."

"Aah..mana ada orang yang happy kerja kat audit firm.Semua wat2 happy je"

Me?? Urm..well said.. "Mana ada orang happy kerja kat audit firm...."

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