Tuesday, December 29, 2009
the mystery of love..
I interrupted," 25.."
Edy,"eyh 24 la..liza yang 25..eyh dah tua tu 25..kena kawen cepat2.."
usually when people asked me when i will get married, i will answer, "akhir tahun..cuma tahun je tak tau bila.."
brilliant isnt it? muahahaha..
but lately in the office, marriage and love became the main topic when we were chatting to let go some burden of work pressure..
like yesterday, kak su asked me or more like saying that she's wondering how's the feeling of broken heart or in simple word, 'putus cinta' since she were in loved once and get married to his one and only boyfriend..
and like her, only that i'm not married yet, i never experienced 'putus cinta'..but the feeling of being rejected because another person doesnt know the feelings, who doesnt experience it right..hehe
so both of us interviewed everyone in the office how's the feeling..eceh interviewed..budget pengacara ke apa..hehe
Person 1 ," saya putus cinta relaks je..cam dah putus, putuslah..takde nak meraung2 ke.."
k.su,"tapi dah sayang takkan lah takde sedih ke apa...ni mesti sebab person 1 yang tinggalkan diaorg.."
"sedihlah..cuma takdelah rasa sedih sangat2 ke...aah..banyaknya saya yang putus dengan diaorg.."
my reaction, "patutlah..."
Person 2 , "uih.. dulu kalau putus cinta seminggu menangis..memang seminggu jelah..lepas tu, takde, cari lain..tapi memang seminggu tu, bangun tidur menangis, nak tidur menangis..buat apa2 pon menangis..tapi takdela mandi tak basah makan tak lalu..makan berkali2 jugak..haha"
me," iye? uisyh seminggu je..saya tengok kawan2 sayalah..yang banyaknya putus cinta, memang menangislah..luar nampak happy tapi boleh nampak dia sedih..ada yang sampai sakit2 lah..ada yang fail examlah..ada yang try carik orang lain tapi at the same time mengharap kat bf/gf lamala..macam2lah.."
person 2,"memanglah..lain orang lain dia punya cara sedih tu.."
Person 3 , " saya relax je putus cinta..pastu carik lain..macam dulu saya putus ngan awek lama, esoknya saya couple ngan orang lain..."
k.su," itu memang dah kenal orang lain masa kau dengan gf lama tu..mesti kau yang tinggalkan dia.."
person 3,"eyh takdelah k.su..dia tinggalkan saya sebab nak kawen..tapi kawen 6 bulan je bercerai..orang laki ni putus cinta relax je k.su..takde nak tunjuk2 sangat..nak sedih2 sangat takdela..carik orang lain.."
the 4th person, a guy said the same thing..in addition he said that he still kept his ex-es things and pictures as a memory..but k.arma said that she burn all the things of his ex-es..takde kenangan2 ni..
i asked him,"(his gf's name) tau tak (person 4) simpan gambar ex gf (person 4)?"
person 4"eyh mestilah taktau..mana boleh tau..gambar tu bkn apa..kenangan je.."
me,"habis tu kalau dia simpan gambar ex-bf dia bolehlah ye?"
person 4,"eyh mana boleh.." and he was speechless..
sometimes i just wonder..why some people doesnt want others to do something, but at the same time they did the same thing.. like in person 4 case, kept the picture of his ex but doesnt want his gf to keep the picture of her ex.. when we doesnt want others to do certain things, we have to do the same thing to others to right? what you gave, you get back.. and i always believe that there should be a give and take in relationship.. life and love works in mysterious ways.. eceh2..ayat tak boleh blah..hehehe..
okeih..arini sudah merepek dengan panjangnya..marilah tidur..esok keje..haih..
is it normal? or abnormal...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
His/her birthday. His/her thought about anything. His/Her favourite colours, place, etc etc..
We are also tend to think about him/her everytime and everywhere we go..
When we do it silently, we are called secret admirer..
But when we do it openly, which intend to make that person acknowledged us but instead started to irritate that person, we are called stalker..
And who likes stalker? we all hate stalker..i hate stalker..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I still remember the day I went to school to get spm result...the day i got offer from uitm to pursue study in accountancy..the day i met wonderful friends..
I still remember the day when i stop doing anything after diploma and just sitting around at home for almost a year..
I still remember the day when i went to melaka to starts new life..and the day i got my degree and starts working..
Sometimes life goes on too fast that i cant even notice..For all i know i might be 40..if only i could stop life from moving on..but i guess that's life..i cant stop anything from happening but i could pray for everything will went ok..
it's hard sometimes to be someone who overthinking..haih..
Thursday, December 17, 2009
But when we thought it over a night, we keep questioning ourself, when we think about bad things about others, like thinking others are sluts or whatsoever for doing things she did, doesnt it makes us just like her/them? i mean for not thinking that maybe she/they have a solid reason for doing things she/they did..
ok..apa saya merepek ni..abaikan..hehe
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
interesting knowledge to be shared
Surah An-nisa,ayat 31:
"Jika kamu menjauhkan dosa-dosa besar yang dilarang kamu melakukannya, Kami akan ampunkan kesalahan-kesalahan (dosa kecil) kamu dan kami akan masukkan kamu ke tempat yang mulia (Syurga)."
[An-Nur: 26]
Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula). Mereka (yang dituduh) itu bersih dari apa yang dituduhkan oleh mereka (yang menuduh itu). Bagi mereka ampunan dan rezki yang mulia (surga)
Monday, December 14, 2009
I always believe in a quote," what you gave, you get back". if you hurt others, or messing around with other's heart, someday others would do the same to you..but what if you done it without purpose? Will you get what you gave? haih...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
charity works..
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
kalau kita nak orang percaya kita, kita kena percaya orang tu dulu..
tapi macamana nak percaya orang 100% zaman sekarang ni? susah kan..bila baca paper bapak rogol anak sendiri sampai mengandung, tak ke buat kita terpikir..kalau bapak sendiri pon kita tak boleh percaya, orang lain apantah lagi..
tapi saya percaya, buat baik dibalas baik..jadi kalau kita percaya orang, mungkin orang akan percaya kita..
erm..tapi saya pernah kena tegur dengan manager kat ofis sebab pernah one day masa keluar dengan dia nak pergi makan, ada sorang cina ni tiba2 tegur nak mintak tolong..he said that his car was out of gas and he left his wallet. so he asked me for rm10 as a favor..
he said he will pay me back..my reaction? erm..what was on my mind that time was if i'm in his position i would like for someone to help me too..and it just rm10 so i gave him the money and asked for my number to pay me back.
what happen after that was, he call me the next day to pay me back but on top of that, he told me that he has some business opportunity and asked if i'm interested. i said no and he said that he's somewhere around mydin to pay me back. i told him that it's ok..it just rm10 so he no need to pay me back but he insist to pay me back..as it was in the morning, i told him that i couldnt go there..i could meet him around lunch hour..so what happen was, when i reached there, i texted him. and he said that he already left and he will pay me back next time..
so, after what happen, my manager told me not to trust people easily..people could just go to you, asked for money. and he might be a thief or whatsoever..yelah, zaman sekarang kan banyak kes..ada pukau la apalah..macam-macam kan..she said it's not the matters of money but it is about our safety too..i guess it's true but i just couldnt help for feeling sorry when people asked for help..macam bila ada budak2 mintak derma..or kat kedai2 makan ada orang datang mintak derma untuk orang-orang susah, kadang2 kita jadi sangat sceptical kan..orang ni betul ke or dari sindiket penipuan..kadang-kadang bagi je sebab malas nak argue..and kadang-kadang tu cakap taknak and buat taktau tapi deep down tetap rasa bersalah..what if, orang tu betul2 mintak derma untuk orang yang memerlukan?
jadi, macamana nak detect..orang macamana boleh dipercayai..and orang macamana tak boleh dipercayai? takkan kita nak percaya orang based on their appearance..sebab perompak pon boleh pakai serban and nampak macam orang alim and baik2..and tak semua orang yang pakai rugged2, seluar koyak sana sini atas nama fesyen tak boleh dipercayai..so under what ground do we judge whether certain person could be trust and certain we shouldnt trust them?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
so..guess who's been given the position of 'ketua unit pembangunan dan sosial'?
eceh2 konon2 nak bagi soalan suh orang jawabla kan..okla, tak payah jawab..
sayalah..<----jawapannya..(poyo kan? kalau poyo pon jangan cakap ye..haha)
okeih..since i'm not suitable being a leader, mostly i asked for my senior's opinion..ok, sangat susah sikit kerjanya since i have to ask my boss permission for anything i want to do..
but it feels good for doing something that benefit others..
cuma kerja lain makin banyak..kerja urgent makin banyak masuk..and i just been assigned to do 3 urgent audit report today..yang satu tu actually kena siapkan by today..yang lagi 2 supposely by next week.. and we have to take annual leave on this thursday..
ok ok..saya tak merungut..cuma rasa masa tak cukup nak siapkan suma benda..tapi nak balik awal jugak..sengal? memang pon..hehe
ok sebenarnya entry ini untuk luahkan perasaan dan juga meminta jasa baik mereka2, yang ingin menderma untuk anak2 yatim dan miskin, sila hubungi saya..we're going on 4th December so siapa2 rasa nak menderma, mari2..hehe..
barang-barang yang saya dah tanya En Dzulkarnain, pengurus RACTAR yang diorang perlu:
-barang2 runcit & toileteries (cth: bawang, milo, cili kering, teh, shampoo, sabun serbuk, sabun buku, etc2..beras dan minyak tak diperlukan since ada banyak lagi stok)
-kain2 sekolah (putih, sekolah rendah, menengah dan agama)
-buku2 latih tubi (upsr, pmr, spm)
-voucher bata (kasut sekolah)
erm..itu je kot yang ingat..kalau ada baju2 lama yang masih elok lagi nak bagi pon boleh bagi..anything lah..cant wait for that day..hrm...
Friday, November 20, 2009
'geli' moment..
the moment i hate is that stuck in front of the summit due to the heavy traffic so i usually use different route..
but everytime i need my entertainment of seeing a 'show', a disgusting one, i usually use the route in front of the summit..
seeing others picking their nose is quite a normal scenery..or eating..or reading a newspaper..or sikat misai..however, yesterday i encounter a new habit..
cabut bulu hidung dalam kereta.. geli? absolutely.. but maybe he also wanted to kill the time while waiting for the police traffic to let us go..
macam-macam ragam orang bila driving kan..hehe
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
there's no reason for falling in love..
if you love your boyfriend/girlfriend because he's handsome/ she's beautiful, it's not love but lust..
if you love your boyfriend/girlfriend because he's/ she's rich, you're just after their wealth not them..
if you have no solid reason for loving someone yet you're falling for him/her, then that means, you love him/her unconditionally..
"how'd you know when you're in love?"
their answer?
to be honest i didnt get the answer..
i think.. i think... maybe the answer are different based on different people..
maybe.. when you keeping thinking of the opposites every single day..every single night..every hour..every minute, every second..you're in love with that person..
small things..
for example,
have a courtesy to say thank you each time we help them..
or.. remember your birthday..
or.. invite you to her/his wedding by her/himself (i mean, not invite you by asking others to ask you on behalf of them..)
or.. remember that you like chocolate for example..
apa lagi ye..erm..too many things to list down..hehe..
erm..ok..what i'm trying to say here is that, sometimes small things we did to others might brighten their day..
at least i do.. (^_^)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
every day is still a learning process..
especially when dealing with a fussy clients..
there's to many kind of people..
yang akan buatkan kita terpikir,"orang macam ni pon ade ye.."
like this one person..my former officemate angkat telefon and die tak dengar nama that person..so she asked again.."sori, sapa ni?"
and tau tak that person cakap apa..
with a tone that like bragging,"mizan..ala nama macam agong tu...awak takkan tak kenal agong.."
kalau die ok cakap nak melawak2 it's fine..tapi bila cakap in different tone..macam..haih mamat ni..plus he has some attitude that makes you want to kill yourself rather than dealing with him..
haih..different people...different attitude..different stupidity..
it makes you wonder.. cant you just be a nice person and not being misjudge by others..
its like being nice will led to bad impression..
contoh, bila kita diam je orang kata kita sombong tapi bile kita try jadi friendly, orang kata kita taktau malu pulak..
but it's hard to pleased everyone isnt it..
but still..it just quite devastating to deal with different kind of people with different kind of judgement..
haih...dont care..dont want to think about it..
but i need to learn something first..
how to stop overthinking..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
entry perasan sendiri..hehe
he's also active in politic and is doing some research on how people in certain range of age react on politics..me? i'm not quite a fan in politics so i just let my senior answer his question sambil berangan bilelah meeting ni nak habis..ngantuk ni..sengal kn..dalam meeting pon boleh berangan dapat bantal and tilam yang super selesa untuk tidur..hehe..
so..habis meeting, on the way back to office, i slept in the car..muahahaha..
in the evening while chatting and everything, the bos asked me how's the meeting with the client..i told her everything was fine..and my senior said that the client ask us about the politic question..ok, turn out my bos and the client ade different opinion on which party they support..
jadi lagi sekali..dengar je apa bos nk cakap..then she said,"silap kalau die cakap ngan akak ni..silap2 nanti tarik company taknak buat account dengan kite dah.."
then she said to me," kau cakap apa?"
me,"takde pape..saya senyap je biar nizar cakap.."
my bos," dia mestila nak cakap pasal umno tu..muka kau pon macam puteri umno.."
me? puteri umno? heh...surely la gelak besar..and answer," saya tak minat politic la akak.."
kak arma manager secretary pon agree, die cakap my face ada sikit macam puteri umno and when she said that, my bos added," muka kau ni pon ade dalam tv tu..ala ada yang cerita apa tu, akak tak ingat tapi ada tu..yang untuk model2 camtu.."
ok, what? model? gile sengal ok..haha..
tak tahan betul..
model mana ade jerawat and bekas2 jerawat macam saya..model mana ade yang banyak babat macam saya..model kan cantik and cute..eyh tapi cute tu mungkin ada..muahahahaha (dah perasan sendiri kejap..hahaha)
p/s: difa, kau baca entry ni mesti rasa cam menyesal baca kan..hahaha
Sunday, October 25, 2009
you know, thinking about your future..what's going to happen next in your life..etc etc..
last week on my convocation, i thought it might be the last time of seeing everyone in my batch as all of us move on to the next phase of life, that is working life..
the same feeling i had when i left my diploma friends..
we had our own journey..some we contact until we get old, some were not..
i guess life is quite a journey.. sometimes it might be a beautiful journey, sometimes not..
the point is, people come and go in your life..
i wish everything would stay the same..
but that's life isnt it..
people come and go in our life..haih..
heart beat
i used to think, what if we're thinking about that person when we're running?
mestilah heart beat akan laju jugak..betul tak?
ok, apa saya merepek ni?
sila abaikan entry merepek ni..
Saturday, October 24, 2009
tak nampek
mom : mu tak make?
me : dah make dah.. tak basuh pingge (pinggan) pon lagi..ni ha (sambil tunjuk pinggan)
mom : owh..tak nampek (nampak)..
(me n mom burst out laugh)
it makes me wonder, orang kelantan cakap nampak as nampek ke? hahahha
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
luahan perasaan
people, please do not send any chain email to me..haih
tensionla bile baca kat bawah email lepas apa2 cerita or pesanan,
'sila forwardkan kepada sekurang-kurangnya 10-20 orang pesanan ini. jika anda gagal berbuat demikian, nasib malang akan menimpa diri anda..jika anda berjaya berbuat demikian, hajat anda akan termakbul...'
seriously la people...tolonglah..tolonglah jangan penuhkan inbox saya dgn email2 macam tu..
kadang2 tu rasa tension dapat email macam ni, macam sembelit 3 hari tak dapat membuang2 lagi..
so, silalah kasihan kepada diri saya..email2 macam tu, tak payahla forward...
and one more thing, tak jatuh syirik ke percaya yang kalau kite forward email2 tu apa2 hajat kite akan termakbul sedangkan yang makbulkan doa2 kita Allah bukan sebab kite forward email2 macam tu..haih..
*emo mood sbb dapat sampai 4 email macam tu dalam satu hari je..*
Sunday, October 11, 2009
beza anak dara sekarang ngan dulu2-part 2
"tau tak apa beza anak dara dulu dengan sekarang?..."
nak tau apa jawapan my boss tak?
beza anak dara dulu dengan sekarang....
"anak dara dulu2 sekarang dah kerepot..anak2 dara sekarang masih muda.."
sengal tak? sengal kan..hahaha..
tiba2 bos wat lawak sengal..memang tak tahan betul..hahaha
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
beza anak dara sekarang ngan dulu2-part 1
the problem is, kami taktau nak kemas macamana..i mean, u know when the place is messy and full of stuff and u dont know where to start..
she said that dulu, kak su rajin je kemas2..kak su is on leave..
then, she said again to my colleague and all of us hear it,
"tau tak apa beza anak dara dulu dengan sekarang?...'
cube tekalah apa jawapan die..
i will answer on the next post..
jeng jeng jeng...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
haih..esok dah keje..
however i manage to watch 'syurga cinta' at astro box office..sebab kena gosok baju..so sambil gosok baju sambil tengok tv..hehe
there's a conversation between shuhada's (haliza) grandfather and am (awal shaari) that i think is quite interesting..
(i cant remember the exact script tp lebih kurang macam ni lah..)
atuk shuhada ," jodoh terbahagi kepada 3, pertama jodoh syaitan. kamu berkenalan dengan shuhada, berpegangan tangan lalu melakukan maksiat. kemudian barulah kamu bernikah dengannya..
yang kedua, jodoh dari jin..kamu sukakan shuhada tapi shuhada tak sukakan kamu. jadi kamu jumpa bomoh dan sihirkan shuhada dan akhirnya kamu menikah...
yang ketiga, jodoh dari Allah..kamu memandang matanya lalu jatuh cinta pada shuhada. am meminang shuhada dan bernikah dengannya.."
quite interesting kan..tapi taktau lah betul ke tak..
Saturday, October 3, 2009
letter from uitm
Friday, October 2, 2009
and i cant really stop procrastinate things..
because it's makes me stop thinking about the problem, homework or anything that i have to do..
but i cant sleep well when i procrastinate things since i keep thinking about it because my head still being active even when i fall asleep..
but... procrastinate things stop me from facing the reality for a while.. from facing the pain of the truth..
i want to learn to stop procrastinate things..
how to stop?
Friday, September 25, 2009
near death experience
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
proses menguraikan puzzle part 3
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
looking back
Looking back at the past makes me wonder about life..things happen on the past makes us the person we are right now..
I cant really say that i am proud of a person i am now since i'm still new in surviving life..still cant live on my own..still need support from my parents and friends..
i'm still looking for the right path..i wish and hoping that one day when i look back on my life, i would at least proud of myself..
erm..looking at the pictures when i'm still in the primary and high school makes me wanted to turn back time..
the memories of being such a young, innocent person were so priceless..
so young..so innocent..and nothing to be worry at all..
the cards..the poem wrote by my friend to me will be remain..
if it suddenly lost because of fire or anything, it will still remain in my heart..
*tetiba jadi minah jiwang jap..haha*
Sunday, September 20, 2009
"Love is too large, too deep ever to be truly understood or measured or limited within the framework of words"
Parts of the phrase written by M. Scott Peck in 'The Road Less Traveled' that i loved.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
who doesnt know how to play mercun, bunga api and seangkatan dengannya,
doesnt really know the feeling of people who often celebrate raya at kampung..
my family and i usually celebrate raya only on the first raya..
2nd day raya, live life as usual..
on the 1st raya,
after sembahyang raya, we went to my uncle's house and some other relative's house..
after that...balik rumah, tido or tengok tv..
sometimes i envy people who has kampung..
boleh kacau dodol..buat bahulu..anyam ketupat..bakar lemang..
pasang pelita..kacau2 makcik2 belakang rumah yang sibuk masak rendang..
dapat rasa suasana raya yang betul2 raya..
dapat main mercun..main bunga api..
dapat rasa perasaan tersangkut dalam jem nak balik kampung sebab banyak kereta sangat sambil lambai2 orang sebelah konon2 kenal padahal tak kenal langsung..hehe
haih..takpela..terima jela diri ini orang bandar yang takde kampung..hehehe
btw, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin to everyone who were reading this dengan ucapan, "kalau anda baik hati, silalah bagi duit raya kepada azliza yang sangat baik" hahaha
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
duit raya
duit raya...uwaaa~~~~
since i'm working right now, i guess it's my turn to give duit raya..
no more accepting duit raya...
yelah..selalu lagi tua, samada dapat banyak or tak dapat langsung..
haha..sengal kan dah tua2 n bekerja masih nak duit raya..boleh tak guna excuse, saya baru kerja sebulan..tak mampu berdiri atas kaki sendiri lagi..hehe..
and untuk orang2 macam saya yang baru berjinak2 nak jadi orang yang takkan dapat duit raya,
terima duit raya sangatlah benda yang menggembirakan..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
proses menguraikan puzzle part 2
Ikutilah kisah teladan ini..ikutla moral of the storynya....hehe
so, as usual, i have to woke up on 640am as my office starts at 750am (actually 8 tapi jam office cepat 10minit)..dengan nak tempuh crazy traffic depan summit lagi..
so..with a headache i drive to office and reach in one piece..hehe
(work as usual with mata yang makin sepet and kepala berat..dahla takde rehat kan..ngantuk2..hehe)
at 3.59 p.m...
me, cakap dalam hati lah kan.."uisyh lagi satu minit nak balik..erm..takpela, buat keje sikit lagi..."
at 4.30pm..went home with sleepy head and was thinking about something.. daydreaminglah.. hehe
around 5pm, selamat sampai rumah, bukak gate.. and as usual buat reverse parking as it is easier for me bile dah lambat pegi office..
masa nak reverse tu..still mengantuk tahap maximum and at the same time tengah pikirkan something..
cakap dalam hati sambil daydreaming,"budget2 boleh belakang lagi ni..okeih, belakang lagi, sikit lagi..lepas kot pagar ni.."
"okeih, depan sikit pastu reverse balik.."
tanpa tukar gear 'D' and gear masih di 'R', terus tekan minyak..
"(bunyi berlanggaran..)"
dalam hati," ya Allah...aiyoooo.....habislah..mintak2 tak teruk...haih...."
terus keluar kereta, dalam hati," aaaaa......uwaaaa~~~~..pecah lampu belakang...haiyoooo...."
jadi harini terpaksa pegi kerja seperti zaman2 budak sekolah rendah dihantar ayahnya..dan bile balik seperti kanak2 riang gembira waktu sekolah dah habis tapi kemudiannya kecewa melihat rakan2 lain pulang ke rumah dengan gembira tapi diri sendiri tak dapat pulang ke rumah dengan serta-merta kerana terpaksa menunggu ayah jemput pulang ke rumah..hehehe
erm..tapi mungkin juga, saya langgar gate rumah dengan sengaja sebab nak rasa balik zaman2 sekolah dihantar dan diambil..terasa seperti kanak2 yang dilimpahi dengan penuh kasih sayang..eceh ceh..(buat alasan yang mungkin hanya munasabah pada diri sendiri sebab dah langgar gate rumah sendiri..hehehe)
bila tau harga nak repair kereta tu, tersentap kejap. dan mula dapat bayangkan kalau bayar sendiri, almost semua duit gaji terbang bagai burung terbang bebas di langit...lampu je dah 500++.. nak ketuk lagi..cat lagi..haiyooo~~~
so moral of the story, silalah langgar gate rumah sendiri or tembok rumah kalau nak rasa balik kenangan semasa zaman budak2 sekolah dihantar dan diambil dari sekolah..eh eh.. salah2...bukan2, ni bukan moral of the story nya..hehe
moral of the story yang betul2, silalah jangan drive ketika sangat mengantuk dan janganlah daydreaming ketika drive..
pesanan terakhir, drive carefully, ingatlah orang tersayang...hehehe
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
lain dari biasa
mesti orang pelik kan, tak pernah dengar biskut ni..hehe..nama die kerutu sebab bentuk die macam alien kerutu2..hehehe
see, macam alien kan, ada mata, ada idung merah lagi..cuma takde mulut..hahaha
we start around 11am and finish around 3pm..i slept after that until almost 5pm..
then, ntah kenapa arini mood rajin sangat, i bake cornflakes again..sebab pikir nak bagi my adik since he has to go back to melaka today and havent taste the cookies..(eceh2, konon2 akak mithali..haha)
after that, baju2 untuk pegi keje di iron..
my mom said she felt asleep after praying since she exhausted from baking biskut kerutu..my sister pon dah collapse depan hall rumah and said,"ni semua adik punya pasal ni..(penat buat biskut..hehe)"
then my mom said,"eh, die kat belakang iron baju pulak..ok je..tak penat pulak..lepas buat biskut kerutu buat cornflakes pulak..ni dah iron baju..(tak ingat exact word..)"
and my sister,"adik lainlah arini, tak macam biasa..(something like that..tak ingat the exact word..hehe)"
ces...what she meant is that, i usually felt exhausted easily and quite lazy..tapi tengok harini, sapa malas sekarang? hehehehe
menguraikan pelekat2 hamper ala2 detective conan
dalam proses nak uraikan satu2 barang..
meaning, whatever we did to others, anything good or bad things, will eventually came back to us..especially bad things, it will hunt us back..
let say we take advantage on others, someday, someone will take advantage on us too..
or, we help others when they need us, someday, when we need help, someone will be there for us..
so, i will try my best not doing something that i dont like people do to me..
but sometimes, it is out of my control..
i'm not trying to make an excuse here..
but when it comes to heart matters, i'm not really myself..
i dont want others to do the same to me but i just cant help it..
i hate myself when i'm like this..
cant make decision..haih haih haih..
Friday, September 11, 2009
second cookies..
sebab akak kat ofis tu asyik cerita pasal biskut cornflakes yang sangat sedap and senang nak buat, walaupun takde the exact resipi, hati ini sangat berkobar-kobar nak buat gak..hehe
jadinya, balik dari ofis terus keluarkan butter bagi temperature room..dalam pukul 8, terus bekerja keras (ceh, takla keras sangat..hehe)..by 9 semua dah settle..sangat kagum dengan diri sendiri sampai cakap kat mak, kalau senang camni, buat 200 biji pon takpe..(padahal malas tapi sebab saja nak bangga diri sendiri, cakaplah camtu..hehehe)
and my first attempt of baking cornflakes cookies berjaya..hooyeay~~~hehehehe
usual day at office..
kalau orang tengok mesti akan rasa macam budak ni ada masalah ni, muka ketat je..hehe
but i feel like i have no time to do two job at the same time, bungkus kerepek to give to the client and at the same time i have to finish up audit report for 2 company since it's final date to submit to ccm is today..
while i run to ensure that i do 2 job at the same time, i almost trip down when i wanted to print my report, so as usual, mestila melatah,"oh mak kau.."
and staff who sat besides me, edy or pak lawak di ofis suddenly said," ha? mana-mana? rasanya kat rumah..."
i am totally blur and suddenly realize, he was answering me, 'oh mak kau..'..u know, like i'm saying, oh, mak edy..
i laughed and forget about my stress on work..
a small laughed like this could brighten my stressful life at office..
so a piece of advice, marilah gelak2 bile stress..best woo~~~~ hehehe
Monday, September 7, 2009
my first attempt
so, the first batch of the cookies turn out like piring terbang hangus (my mom gives the name. hehe)..
see..sangat besar macam piring terbang and hangus sebab kena tembak..haha
second batch, size dah ok but terlajak bakar so turn out hangus gak..
the third batch baru jadi sket..
the taste? erm..manis gile..terlebih gula..sebab gula baru bukak..hehehe
tapi sangat penat rasanya..terpikir macamana orang buat cookies banyak2..ni baru sikit dah rasa nak tido satu hari tak bangun2..hehe
Sunday, September 6, 2009
selangor cuti..hehe
It was fun..i cant wait for raya to gather together again since difa has to go back to jengka..sebab masih sekolah lagi..hahaha (berniat gelak jahat..hehe)
erm..takde gambar pulak nak letak..sume gambar kt camera difa..
sebenarnya saya busan..taktau nak wat apa padahal ada keje kena siapkan..malasnye..hehe
kisah sengal
so this conversation occur in the car while we (my mom, my sis and i) were listening to a raya song,
Situation 1
'....menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf~~~~' cant remember who's the singer but that was part of the lyrics..
suddenly, i blurt out things that was wondering in my mind,
"kalau ada budak tu main mercun hilang jari, macamana nak susun sepuluh jari mintak maaf?"
hehehe...all of us were laughing and my sister said,
"adik dah terpikir benda2 yang orang lain tak pernah terpikir..macam mak. gene mak dah mula berkembang sikit demi sikit..haha"
my mom,"die dah mula adapt lesson sikit demi sikit tu.."
Situation 2
tau tak accesories yang letak kat kereta yang akan goyang2 sendiri bile kena cahaya matahari tu? ala, yg macam pasu bunga then ada daun2 or butterfly tu.. my sis punya bentuk butterfly..
my sis," eyh, nape keta sebelah punye goyang2, azuranye tak goyang?"
i think everyone can predict what happen next, mestila my mom pegi sentuh and goyangkan die guna tangan,"ha, ni dah goyang.."
Situation 3
on the way back home, the butterfly goyang2 sendiri, and my mom,"ha, mak tak pegang pon die dah pandai goyang kepak die sendiri.."
me,"aahla..kepak die asyik goyang je..tapi tak terbang2..."
i love spent days with my family..ada je bahan nak menyengal..hahaha
Saturday, September 5, 2009
i mean takde sense of direction..
tapi kalau lelaki takde sense of direction tu macam pelik kan?
sapa setuju? sila angkat tangan
(bunyi sahut-menyahut, "saya2", "i stuju", "betul2, aku setuju", "agree!"..dan macam2 lagi orang menjerit setuju..hehe)
Friday, September 4, 2009
lazy day..
reading..surfing the internet..thinking about future..sleeping..doing nothing..
seronok kan..
Monday, August 31, 2009
perangai manusia ni kadang-kadang pelik-pelik kan..
bila tengok seorang anak mintak balik duit yang dipinjam kepada ibunya dari ibunya sendiri, kite mengucap panjang..
kite mula cerita-cerita dekat orang lain..kalau nak dijadikan landasan untuk kita so that kita tak buat benda sama, it's ok..
tapi kalau kite mula kutuk anak tu, bukan ke kite dah berdosa sebab mengumpat orang?
tapi susah kan nak elak dari tak bercerita pasal orang lain..
lagi satu, kadang saya terpikir..
kalau ada orang ni tak pernah tinggal sembahyang, hari-hari pergi masjid/surau.. hari-hari try improvekan diri dari segi agama..hari-hari try sebaik mungkin belajar tajwid so that dapat mengaji dengan betul..
tapi.. dalam masa yang sama, kutuk/mengata orang lain, or questioned kenapa mak yang duduk rumah je, tapi anak tak terjaga sebab anak dia tak reti mengaji..
saya rasa cara orang tu salah..nak salahkan ibu mengandung sebab anak tak pandai mengaji? kalau ibu dah ajar, dan anak tu dah besar, bukan ke anak tu pon bertanggungjawab nak cari jalan yang betul untuk diri sendiri?
susah betul kan nak jadi hamba Allah yang tawadduk. banyak ilmu di dada tapi tak pernah nak condemn orang lain sebab tak tau pasal certain2 things..
kalau pandai macamana pon, walau ilmu agama penuh di dada pon tapi kalau orang tu keep saying dengan niat memerli or bangga diri,"benda simple pon tak tau..macamana ni.." dekat orang yang tak tau, tak gune kan macam tu. bukan ke lebih baik dia ajar pada yang jahil?
kadang-kadang kita terbuat dosa tanpa sedar kan.. haih..
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Orang cakap..
bila kita sering terpikirkan seseorang tu..
samaada die sihat ke..dah makan ke..apa die buat.. die teringatkan kita jugak ke..
maknanya kita rindu kat orang tu..
bila kite rindu orang tu, maknanya kita ambil berat pasal orang tu..
bila kite ambil berat pasal orang tu, maknanya kite dah sayang orang tu..
orang cakaplah..
tapi macamana nak tau apa orang cakap tu betul?
macamana kalau kita memang jenis macam tu?
jenis berpikir sepanjang masa..and orang yang kita pikirkan bukan sorang tapi lebih dari sorang..
takkan kita jatuh cinta dengan lebih dari sorang kot?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
being in the uitm brings back a memory when i'm a student back then.
seeing students walking around the campus reminds when i'm a student there long time ago..
they were wearing a matrix card. things i never do. tak rockla pakai matrix card kan. besides dulu pak guard tak tengok sangat pon matrix card..hehe
hurm..uitm shah alam..place where i obtain a diploma..
place where i met new interesting people who still be part of me..
place where i learn that success doesnt always comes to us when we dont fight for it..
place where i learn that doesnt mean if we get good grades in spm we will obtain the same grades in university
place where i grow older..
i might said bad things about uitm because of its system but still, i will never forget it as it was place where i obtain knowledge..
i really miss those days..days in uitm shah alam where all of us were goofing around..
where all in the class were united and nothing separates us..
kepada mereka2..
All the best for finals..semoga tabah menghadapi liku-liku sebagai final part student yang setiap hari, setiap minggu penuh dengan assignment nak kena hantar..dengan test yang tak berhenti..weekend yang ada pon macam takde sebab kena siapkan assignment yang tak henti2 sampailah final..
memahami keadaan korang (difa and sharil)..kalau satu paper je dah ada 3 pbl. kalau 7/6 subject... wooo~~~ banyaknya.. (do your own calculation..hehe)
if i'm the lazy one can do it, you can do it too.. chayo2~~~~ (^_^)
Between working and not working..
A week before i start working, my friend and i went to ex-schoolmate's house to learn how to bake cheese cake.
So this conversation occur during the baking process..diubahsuai mengikut ingatan saya..hehe
"Az buat apa ye sekarang?"
"Isnin ni baru start keje..sya?"
"Sya ambik acca..ni tengah ambik 2 paper..tak sedar diri dah tua..hehe"
"haha..taklah tua..at least sya dah pernah kerja kan. az nak sambung belajar gak tapi nanti..kerja dulu kejap..at least ada pengalaman. tapi belum start kerja az dah malas ni..susah2 sangat nanti cari datuk mana2 kawen dok rumah jaga anak..hahaha.."
well, excuse untuk tak kerja selain belajar is kawen kan..haha..
"haha..habis tu susah payah belajar degree buat apa?"
me, terdiam sekejap, "takpe, boleh gantung degree buat perhiasan kat dinding..haha"
hurm..but seriously, people keep saying that once you get a degree, you have to work successfully, have a great job with a great salary and as if got married and not working such a waste of getting a degree..hurm..
I get it that some people have bigger obligation as they are the oldest in siblings or whatsoever so they have to work. But i dont get it why do we have to questioned others' opinion. different people different opinion isnt it? hehe
So, after baking, niza and i were talking in the car about the conversation between me and sya. she did not listened as she was doing something else. Then she asked me, "awk rasalah, salah ke kalau kite lebih suka duduk rumah bile dah kawen dari kerja. i mean is it wrong for us to want to be happy rather than not being happy and earn great money?" (macam biasa conversation diubahsuai ikut ingatan..lebih kurang jela..hehe)
"Samalah kite..it's better to earn small money or nothing at all for doing something we love rather than we suffer to earn big money kan..but for some people kalau dah ada degree, kenalah kerja best2..cari kerja yang dapat banyak duit. orang cakap buat apa belajar tinggi2 kalau niat tu tak mau kerja yg best2 lepas tu. it's like its totally wrong for having a degree but not working..
but kerja sampai 2-3 pagi, hari2 suffer, especially doing something that you hate, erm, buat apa..cari penyakit je. lebih baik duduk rumah happy2 dah kawen masak untuk family jaga anak. orang cakap salah, tapi tak semestinya salah kan. so the best thing is to ignore apa orang lain cakap..hehe"
"betul2..samalah kite fikir..baik duduk rumah masak untuk family dari kerja suffer je kan.."
"ya betul.."
Kesimpulannya, lu pikirla sendiri..(pinjam moto nabil jap..)..hahaha
p/s: difa, aku dah update..haha..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Selamat berpuasa
working hours starts at 8am until 4pm without break..
bukanlah takde break langsung..cuma, break tu masa untuk tadarus..
actually, i just want to wish all of you,
Selamat berpuasa..jangan ponteng puasa kecuali kepada mereka yang terpaksa tidak berpuasa..hehe
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
menulis tanpa motif
As usual, he loves to kacau me. bile balik, he silently stand besides me and me? of coursela terkejut and marah-marah sayang die..hehe..he said, bile lagi nak kacau adik? yeah, my adik call me adik. ada sejarah disebaliknya. hehe..
He just went back to melaka and before he left, as usual lagi, semua orang keluar rumah nak hantar anak/adik kesayangan sampai kereta. Orang lain dah dekat luar tunggu dia, saya baru terhegeh-hegeh nak keluar. He forgot something so he come inside and perjalanan saya tergendala kejap so berdiri kejap kat pintu. Sebelum pegi dekat kereta, die usap-usap kepala saya ala, macam ayah-ayah usap kepala anak dia kat tadika..and me? biasalah, buat-buat bising padahal suke gile sebab rasa macam kanak-kanak tadika yang disayangi..hahaha..
Actually, he did that to me sometimes and i did the same to him..only when he shaved his head lah..sebab rasa usap orang takde rambut sangat bes..rasa tajam-tajam kat tangan..hehe..yelah, bila rambut dah panjang, mana boleh kacau.dah sikat elok-elok. pacak-pacak macam dragon ball kalau kacau mesti kena marah.
okey, apakah motif cerita hari ini sebenarnya? hehe
Well, actually, i wanted to talk about his friend who went home with him. His friend, Ahad (bukan isnin ataupun selasa.hehe) once told him (dialog ikut sedap sayalah..hehe), "weh, bila aku tengok kakak kau (my elder sister) ngan mak kau macam tak sama betul ngan kau...". yelah, he expect my brother's mother and sister's style will looks like him, i mean free hair ke..modern-modern style..in short, dia cakap adik saya macam nakal-nakal type yang tak sangka ada kakak and mak baik macam tu. tapi....
jeng jeng jeng..hehe
Tapi...Ahad ni cakap lagi..,"tapi tengok kakak kau (me) lagi sorang, baru nampak persamaan sikit.." meaning? Dia cakap saya ni nakal-nakal type macam adik saya. ces ces ces..hehehe
Tak sempat nak gurau-gurau dengan ahad ni. tunggulah die datang lagi. mesti menyesal, eh tak tak, mesti gembira bertemu dengan kakak kawan die yang die kata nakal-nakal type ni. mesti dia akan tukar statement die," akak kau yang aku cakap nakal-nakal type ni sebenarnya baiklah..aku salah dulu.."
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
thinking deeply..hehe
Setiap kali hari isnin akan jadi sangat excited nak pegi keje..or..setiap kali hari jumaat, akan sedih sebab cuti hari sabtu & ahad..
bile..bilela nak rasa macam tu..maybe when i'm doing something i really love kot..maybe..
meneruskan rutin harian..bila hari ahad je dah sedih sebab kena keje hari isnin..bile jumaat je, gembira sebab sabtu cuti..pagi jumaat, dah siap counting hours nak habis keje. hari2 biasa? counting days nak hari jumaat..hehehehe
rasa macam nak sambung belajar..sebab bile belajar ada excuse untuk tak keje..hehe..but nak ambik apa ye?
master forensic accounting or mba?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
sembunyi macam ostrich
before i went to bed, usually i will go to my mom's room to kacau2 her. my sister was there too. while my mother and i were talking, she was busy digging her clothes from basket with her head inside the basket.
when i look at her, her action reminds me of ostrich. ala, burung yang kepala panjang and bile nak sembunyi dari musuh die tanam kepala dalam tanah. macamla xnampak badan die yang besar tu..hehe
so, what i did is that, well it is a reflex action tau, i push her head into the basket. nak tengok sedalam mana leh pegi macam ala-ala ostrich tu..hahaha~~
well, my reflex action makes all of us laughed. mata yang sudah sepet kerana sangat mengantuk menjadi lagi sepet kerana gelak tanpa henti..hehehe..
then my mother cerita another story yang buat kami lagi rasa nak gelak berdekah-dekah..(see what i'm trying to do here, i try to write in bahasa since i 'm not good writing in bahasa, i mean formal way, bukan bahasa pasar.hehe..)..
she told us that its either me or my adik, masa kecik2 dulu bile main sembunyi2, cakap, sembunyi2 and then use bantal to cover the face. face only..badan x..hehe.. macamlah orang xnampak badan tu kalau cari.. konon2 tutp muka, kite xnampak orang, orang pon xnampak kte..macam ostrich la..hehehehe..
ok, it's 1158pm..gile la..never slept this late since i've been working for a week and 2 days..esok kena keje..haih~~
Sunday, August 9, 2009
i believed that when we didnt do things that annoys us to others, others wont do the same thing to us.. and what we gave we get back.. it just a matters of time..haih~~~
Friday, August 7, 2009
hectic week
First day, the senior staff handover taxation task to me..after finishing all the computation, fill in form C & R, the other senior staff handover audit job to be amend. he said, "baru 1st day dah byk keje..dah pening..haha"..ces, he laughed at me..hehe
Second day was quite boring since i didn't have task..so the secretarial manager ask me to do audit reminder. erm..boring and tiring since i have to check the secretarial file one by one and calculate the date of last filing annual return, bla, bla n bla..hehehe
I overcome things i didnt overcome when i'm practical. Usually when i'm doing out field job, i will be accompanied by staff but last wednesday i have to go to SSM by my own..quite frightening at first.
Since i have no sense of direction, of course i got lost in shah alam. Nama je budak subang tapi shah alam pon boleh sesat.besides, i'm a former student in uitm shah alam. macamnantah still xingat jalan..hehe..then, when i enter the parking lot in Plaza Alam Sentral, i got lost again..i dunno where to go. So with a big courage (cewah, courage konon), i just wondering around in PAS..finally when i reached SSM, there's one staff call me and said that he wanted to pass some document for me to bring back to office. So i feel relieved a bit..i asked him how to go to idaman counter, ctc express and whatsoever..he taught me the procedure and then he left.
When it's my turn to filing the document, there's some problem since the date is late. the company has to be compound so i call my manager. She asked me to talk slowly with the officer. So i did but still, the document cannot be processed. then, there's some document that have been adjusted to be filed again. and i have to go and see a big officer there since i need the document immediately..the officer asked me to come later after lunch. So a big relieve again, i dont have to go to idaman counter to find the company's information. fuh..lega den..hehe
After finished everthing in SSM, i need to go to KWSP to register. again, i got lost..duh..finally when i reached KWSP, the queue is quite long so what should i do other than daydreaming kan. hehe..and guess what, i miss my turn..gile sengal boleh daydreaming sampai macam tu..hehe.. then, my next destination is to make payment for my bos. again, i dont know where to go..so belasah je pusing2 rupa-rupanya kena naik tingkat 2 je..hehe
my last destination is to deposit cheque at cimb..since i dont know how to go to cimb taipan, i went to wisma consplant. again, i'm making mistake at cimb..nak deposit cheque pon boleh salah..memang sengal ari tu..hehe
after my last destination, i went back to office. terasa sangat penat.hehe..
on thursday and friday, nothing much..i still have to finished up the audit reminder and on friday, the senior staff asked me to help him in statutory audit and fill in the taxation forms..
things i like with this ofice is that, working hours started at 830 and finished at 5pm.. 5pm people..hehe..but break has been cut down to 45minutes..but i dont care..5pm is enough to make me happy..hehehe..
today is saturday..yippie~~~~~~berehat sebentar bersama kitkat.hehe
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
is it really true?
yesterday, their topic is about 'putus harapan'..one lady call and said that she's been dumped when she have to travel to study..she said she love her ex so much and they'd been happy before she got the offer to continue her studies..
the dj wanted to console her and said that he left him to study (dj ni salah dengar...). when she corrected him, the dj said,"saya ada satu tips untuk awak.."
"kalau nak cari bf, biar lelaki tu yang sayang awak lebih dari awak sayang die.."
dunno the meaning of what he'd said but, i've heard the exact word from my friend..she said that it is better for a man to love us (girl) more than we do at first because girl's feeling towards the man she loves could be develop but it's hard to develop a man's feeling towards the girl that loves him..
but..is it really true?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Torn between two choices
All we can do is to pray for making a right decision.
And when we are torn between two choices, what would us do? Do we choose to make decision (after praying) that give a lesser bad impact to us, choose something is risky but worth the wait or just let life led the way?
Monday, July 27, 2009
And i love this 1 advertisement in astro. It meant to promote their tvIQ channel. In the advertisement there's people talking about so many things including the global warming, snails..
The truth is that, i really love the sentence made by one man in the advertisement..
"Things around this world makes you wonder about life.."
True..so true..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
'kool' t-shirt..
then my mother suddenly said, "nanti jangan pakai dah t-shirt tu.."
me, totally blur and shocked, why i shouldnt wear this t-shirt. i even looked down at my t-shirt, jarang ke t-shirt ni, since its white..
then my mother like reading my mind, "yela, t-shirt tu kool..mak berpeluh-peluh sembahyang.."
she said that because she cant on the fan since i'm 'kool'..
hehehe..a small joke like this brighten my day since i'm in a bad mood today..hehehe
Liat macam ayam..
btw, last week, since i'm too bored, i made muffin..the presentation was ok but the taste..erm..not bad but a bit liat..bak kata my adik, liat die macam makan ayam..ces ces..hehe..but making muffins or cakes makes me happy despite their result..jadi x jadi belakang kire..hehehe
erm..currently in depress mood..haih..haih..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
And I'm sure that people who read this were totally blur.. Azliza dah jadi minah rempit? Bukan, bukan saya bukan minah rempit. hehehe.. Just by riding a motorcycle makes me scared like hell. I still remember when I ride with haina. I'm so quiet because I'm too scared and she said that I'm too quiet that she was afraid that I fell off the motocycle..hehehe
So, what I meant with merempit? It came out when i was watching television with my mother and I'm exercising (can u imagine i'm exercising? that shows that i'm too bored sleeping all day at home..). While I do some squating (bend my knees and put out my hands like riding a bike), my mother suddenly make some facial expression and blurt out, "Eyh, buat apa ni? Merempit pulak dia..orang suruh kemas bilik dia merempit.." and she laughed.. and of course i laughed too..hehe
When I told my sister what I meant, she laughed too. My mother and sister couldnt stop laughing so i told my mom that she should try 'merempit' and i show her how to 'merempit'.
She 'merempit', "eyh, sakit lututla, adik xsakit lutut ke?"
Me, intended to kenakan her back, "mak xminum susu selalu tu yang sakit lutut tu.."
Mom, "eyh minum apa, yang mak beli susu anlene tu..selalu minum apa.."
Me, "Bila mak start minum? Waktu mak umur berapa? (still looking for a chance to kenakan her)"
Mom, "erm....(looking for a right answer)..umur 51++..."
Me, "ha..orang start minum masa muda2.."
Mom, cutting me, "kat tin tu tulis 51++. so kenala minum masa umur 51++..bawah dari tu xle la.."
Me, of course laughing so hard.. isyh, ada je jawapan my mom.. bagus plak tu..
haih, maybe i have some other time to kenakan her balik..hehehe
She even bring the tin to show to me..hehehe..sapa ada mak macam ni? i'm so lucky to have this kind of mother..i love u mom..hehe..
So people, now you know why i'm a bit sengal..its in the gene people..hehehehe..
And writing this reminds me one situation where a friend of mine wanted to tumpang me back to kl from melaka. Since my father fetch me, she asked my mother, "saya tumpang ni muat ke makcik... (because 2 friend of mine were already in the car..)"
My mother, "takpe, kalau xmuat nanti kita ambik tali rafia ikat kat kereta....(intend to kenakan my friend kot..)" hehehe
My friend blur at first and laughed after that..
My friend told me that she didnt expect that kind of answer ans she thought my mother would just answer, muat...
hehehehe..that's my mother.. and i love her so much.. *muahsss*
Friday, July 10, 2009
yahoo? or...erm..
a big relief..
i should be happy yet i have a mix feelings.
erm..what am i going to do next in my life?
continue doing master or acca or... work?
totally clueless..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
bercakap kepada dunia
He asked for my url and i refused to give him and i said that i'm embarrassed if he read my blog.
So he said (or something like this), " habis tu awak tulis blog takde sapa baca ke?"
and i said that, i know people were reading it and it's ok if i dont know who reading it. I write just to get off anything in my chest.
so he said (or something like this), "kire macam tulis ni bukan untuk semua orang baca, tapi nak bercakap kepada dunia..saya, tulis ni sebab nak bercakap kepada dunia bukan orang.."
dia perli? definitely yes. hehe
so.. why am i writing this? my safe answer is, to tell or share with everyone i know about myself or anything that cross my mind, in a way that by not telling them directly. paham ke? seriously saya pon tak berapa paham.hehe